beginning negotiations on pipeline. can some of u who have already been through this give some insight as to what you got?

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the money side should be LAST in your list they will push you on it  DON"T cave in  first thing is the route is the route viable for you and the mid-stream company ? We had the routers out there 4 times to tweak the route for our comfort then came the survey team out there then the delinators (enviriormentalists ) they check for endangered plants arrow heads etc.etc. then we went after addenda we have aprox 23 addenda in our agreement then we talked money it only makes sense to know the deal your negotiating for right !  and not trying to jerk your chain we did sign a confidendtality agreement and we are victims of good upbringing  we dealt with mark west it did take a long time If you decide to get a lawyer involved you MUST do your research alot of wannabe's out there  alot of people on this sight helped us in ways that all I can say is hats off to them roam around on GMS  lots and lots of threads lots of good info and good people  one that comes to mind is josh willis very forth coming with his experience  HEY josh if you're reading this we owe you a beer or twelve LOL  PM me up and I could possibly go into some details   that could help you   
P.S. whatever there first  offer is your land is probley worth 2 to 2 1/2 times more at least the money figure comes as to location in the big stream of things and the possibility of other routes near you  good luck mark

Mark, when the pipeline company does their survey is core drilling considered part of the survey?  I am in Ohio and feel I should be paid to allow equipment on my property. Pipeline company says it's part of the survey. I understand they can walk your property and survey, don't believe they can bring heavy equipment on for free.


I would say that core drilling has nothing to do with the survey unless they are doing a geological survey if they are doing a typical land survey on your property you may give them permission. Heavy equipment H%LL  NO I would not let them on my property for free I would tell them 10.00 a foot and they reclaim land back to grade now I am assuming you have a non-surface lease what most people forget is that these 2 operations  O/G lease and  a right of way can tie them selves together take the time and read your granting clause in your O/G lease you'll see what I mean.You even have to watch them when they walk your land we had some routers out there hackin down saplings finally had to say cut it out or get off  and again get it in WRITING nothing else counts watch your six

I have a question, why should the money be the LAST thing to negotiate ?' As of right now their offering 15 a foot , I want 200 , before I spend countless hours getting the agreement and the route the way I need it shouldn't we clarify that first ?  Thanks 

Evan, I agree with you. Money should come first and everything else follows. That's why we are all in this, for the money. 

mornin evan/zack

I guess it comes down to the priority of the land owner we are the landlords of our land how you approach it is truly up to each individual  such addenda as supp tax increases loss of clean and green etc losing your O/G mineral interest where the ROW is  above ground appurtances(eyesores) compressor stations mutual consent of the route as to the as-built survey I feel it is probably one of the one sided agreements you could ever think about. for us on what we where negotiating for we needed to know the agreement first very true the money is the reason but if they turned us down because of the money  we already had our line in the sand as far as what they could or could not do we could live with that they would not hold the money out there like a dangling carrot and manipulate you into agreement evan you are right I personally had a tremendous amount of time involved this started in march of 2012 and we signed last month  TRUTH  it wasn't a daily thing but was time consuming maybe it is the way to go throw the money figure out there if they walk away you're done with it BUT if you got a surface lease again pleez read your granting clause in your O/G lease  they may hint around as to unitazation into the unit I personally know of 1 gentlemen they acted like it was emmiment domain told him he would not have any acreage  in any  production unit they said they would make sure his parcel was included in the unit guess what he played ball guess what they LIED imagine that!!!  they put in 10% of his land he is not a happy camper   and above all else remember WELLS ARE TEMPORARY PIPELINES ARE FOREVER mark

i heard $32-ft

Just a suggestion;

This subject has been discussed many times on this site. I would suggest using the search tool to find some of those discussions. That way you won't miss some of the great information that has been offered.

P.S. As mark suggested, the money should be considered almost last.


     I cut and pasted this response from a similar question by Dan>


    Trust no one that comes to your door with a document.

Given the same situation I would call the lawyer below, in fact I emailed him, then the story teller left the area without my signature.

Pipeline Right Of Way Attorney

 Greg Brunton 614-232-2632

 For review of Pipeline Leases & Lease Contract Develpment

Find a copy of the below document and read it. Pipeline folks will hate you for it!

Nothing foils a theft like a knowledgeable individual.

What Land/Surface Owners Should Know

When a Landman Shows Up

And Wants an Easement/Right of Way

To Put a Pipeline Across Your Land.

Prepared by David B. McMahon • Attorney at Law

Concentrating in Oil and Gas for Smaller Mineral Owners

1624 Kenwood Road, Charleston, WV 25314

Voice/VoiceMail 304-415-4288 • Fax 810-958-6143


© May, 2010. David B. McMahon, J.D.

Contact the author for permission to distribute

Thanks Ron .

Don't these agreements have nondisclosure stipulations anyhow? No one can say anyway.


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