beginning negotiations on pipeline. can some of u who have already been through this give some insight as to what you got?
A good figure is $2/inch diameter/foot, so a 20" pipeline would be $40/foot and that is for a 30' wide easement. If you do not own the mineral rights, I would go up to $3/inch/foot. Permanent roads should go for at least $10/lineal foot and temporary at $5/foot with gravel, culverts, gates, cattle guards and maintenance included. I've been on the company side for 30 years and am still working in Colorado on the Niabara field.
I didn't see your comment back in 2014, so my response is late.
The only nondisclosure stipulations I've seen in Oil & Gas was the bad lease Rice was passing around in 2015 (yea, I wouldn't want landowners to know what I was trying to do either if I wrote that BAD lease), and the Sell Out of Landowners by various means across the country are sometimes kept quiet by legal documents. Otherwise Oil & Gas is a pretty much a Kiss and Tell industry, except the Kiss is actually something I can't say in public.
If those who were "had" by Oil & Gas producers in the past had Manned up and gone after these thieves We The People/Landowners wouldn't be in this position today.
you're absolutely right definately not the time to act like a sheep when you got a wolf pack of land agents sniffing on your land
Many landowners are receiving royalty money now and may have also received money from pipelines, so when another opportunity pops up, don't be shy in asking for what you want. In the past, these landman knew that people could be enticed very easily with small amounts of money. Time has passed and landowners have become better educated with all of this. Don't fall for their tricks. Take charge with any gas related activities on your land. One last thing, be prepared to tell them you're not interested if you don't get the money that you want because in most cases, there is no other way around you and you will get what you want. They like to rush the negotiation process and want you to sign an agreement immediately. Take your time and review everything and don't sign until you are 100% satisfied.
St. Croix,
Thanks for the feedback. I know people are getting tired of hearing me say I'm being stolen from, but, if everyone looks closely at their royalty statements, pipeline agreements, or lease agreements they will find acts of theft that they overlooked.
It seems to be accepted in the Oil and Gas industry that the landowners are to be stolen from. Those who don't see it haven't looked or are not leased, pipelined, or produced yet.
Ron Hale, I agree with what you are saying 100%!!!
Mark, thanks for the kind words. Buckeye , pm me and I will give you my number. You need to know more than I can type. LOL As someone else said, if its not in writing, it didn't happen. My insight is common sense does not apply to pipelines. Things that you and I would consider basic are lost on these guys. Like Mark said, money is your last concern. Pipelines are the closest thing to forever you will ever find. You only have one chance to do it right. I would be glad to share my addendums that we used.
Josh ,would you mind if I take a look also. I'm negotiating with Enlink and am trying to put together my own agreement that THEY have to abide by . Thanks
Sure, pm your email and I will send it to you. Getting them to abide by it is an entirely different story. I spend nearly a year of my life babysitting pipeline contractors.
Buckeye2600: Use an experienced O&G Attorney. If your neighbors are also in on the pipeline, band together. The more line you control the better negotiating power.
Market prices for pipelines have been increasing and depending on specifics such as location, size of line, number of lines per ROW, and lots of other factors, $80-$100 per foot is not unreasonable.
morning angela
you hit it on the head location and availability of other routes usually will dictate how far you can push the money issue but I must stress the best deal for your land doesn't always revolve around the dollar though it is the only reason that you entertain the thought of a ROW we tried to band together but the neighbors had already had there deal which in one way gave us a little more clout but took away the strength in numbers gig
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