beginning negotiations on pipeline. can some of u who have already been through this give some insight as to what you got?

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Kyle, Do you think a temporary above ground water line can bring in that amount of change?

No.  They'll just pick that pipe up and move it to another location when they're done.  They won't be willing to pay that much for temporary and minimal disturbance to the surface.

Be careful, you may be asked to allow temporary pipes across your land but if you are unlucky enough to be approached by that Oklahoma Pipeline Company, they will find a way to own your right of way with one signature from you.

I'm seeing a trend of Landowners asking why no one has asked them to put a pipeline across their land. It's because they made a verbal agreement which is binding in Ohio, then had a different written agreement put in front of them for a signature.

Rooster, That is the million dollar question. I was negotiating on a temporary water line until the gas co. refused  to alter the agreement, now they are trying to go around me. I researched and read a lot of material. I think the people who have been thru this have signed confidentiality clauses and can't say. The best advice I found was to figure out what it is worth to you and then figure out what it is worth to the gas company and take the largest figure. I have one neighbor accepting less than 10.00 foot and on the other side of me they want more than 45.00 foot, all for one 12" pipeline. It also depends on your area and the number of pipes, width of r/w,etc.. On this site people have said they've gotten 75.00 foot or more. Talk to your neighbors, look at a map to see how important your property is to the gas co.. Sorry buddy, That's the best I can do. Good luck and don't forget-"the devil is in the details". Bob A.  


      There are some things you should never sign without a lawyer to assist in interpreting the contract. Anything related to Oil and Gas should never be agreed to in writing without a lawyer to protect you from a bad contract.

My neighbor consulted a ROW lawyer that modified a Cardinal Pipeline Agreement then gave it to the Cardinal Land Person, who scratched through all suggested changes. Given this event, I would say don't sign if your lawyer gives your ROW contract to the Land Person instead of you.

My coaching and my neighbors commons sense helped prevent Cardinal from owning 200 acres of Right of Way they didn't deserve to own.


$50/foot for a 20 year lease is what we are getting in my area, renewable at the same rate plus cost of living.

What area are you getting this in? (county, state)  With which pipeline company?

I am in negotiations and have not had my counter offer accepted. An older rule of thumb was $1 per inch (diameter) per linear foot, but the market seems to be above that now, by double to three times. You also need to consider the total number of pipelines they are allowed to add (zero is the correct answer), conditions that qualify as abandonment, the time table for beginning and completion of construction, compensation for damage caused by clearing the right of way, access roads to the ROW, and I'm sure there are a few other things as well that I don't recall at the moment.


Which midstream company are you negotiating with?  The current going rate for pipelines has exceeded $100/ft. and is nearly approaching $200/ft in many places.  (It should be far more than that if you ask me.) Do your research and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.  Other landowners should be more vocal about what they are receiving as compensation for ROW's and Easements.  An uneducated public is easily taken advantage of!

How seriously should nondisclosure agreements be taken?

What county, state are they seeking easements in?

Are they offering a one-time payment or a lease-structured agreement for a certain number of years with the option of renewal?


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