I'm not *exactly* sure where Ron stands on all the issues. I do know that no one is better than Ron at getting people to ponder, think, react, discuss and pontificate. Ron is like a Richard Simmons for the First Amendment! He certainly keeps our free speech active!

Ron Eiselstein 2012!!!

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How about Sheriff Joe for VP with RP?

Pres Eiselstein....shiver me timbers!!  What a thought.

He would be a huge improvement but the Dems will just come out with a bimbo parade of women that will say they slept with him or that he molested them.

I'd be happy to see him become Mayor of Youngstown.  And plant shrimp all over the city!

Mayor Eiselstien," My hero", I think he would make one helluva Mayor.

It's time we had real people in our government instead of 'politicians'... go Ron GO!

You guys scared me so much my wife and I went to Cleveland to see "Memphis" at the Playhouse square.  The musical was great and the talent .... American talent as always the best!  I must admit, the story line with the superb African American talent and professionalism depressed me and further made me question what has our government done to most of their people.  It is not that blacks in the urban centers are not willing to get educated, work, or rise......it is because social welfare for generations have been their narcotic to the detriment to most of the country.

...and in my opinion, Ron, that was by design as it guarantees votes for their masters at the polls (if they vote at all).

And this doesn't help - according to what I heard Oprah (and others say) is that black people, who don't WANT to succeed, mock and work hard to keep other blacks from trying to succeed. They have their own culture and want everyone to stay within it. 

Linda A,  

Come on,  That is like saying I heard white people will tend to " step on " other white people to get ahead.  And

"mock and work hard to keep other blacks from trying to succeed."

Do you really think Lazy not wanting to succeed people of any color work hard at anything?

I agree most cultures want things to stay the coarse.


Thought it was pertinent to discus because it came from within the black culture.  One size never fits all...

the theater------Ron  your secretarys name is not Kennedy?

 no one named booth showed up I hope?


ohhh no what will the secret service cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The destruction isn't limited to the black community. The government practiced on them first, but now it is applying its destructive policies to the entire country!

We all know Ron is irresistable to the ladies.  No question he'd have to deal with some bimbo eruptions.

The best thing about Clinton was he spent half his time chasing skirts which prevented him from ^&$#ing "We the People."

My sources tell me that Ron Eislestein was in Cleveland over the weekend meeting with his financial backers and political advisers working on his campaign to run for Congress against Bob Hagan!

Imagine how fun those debates between those two would be....lol


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