Let`s keep our conversations going...what are you hearing about the future for new natural gas development in Pennsylvania, Ohio & West Virginia?  Are you hearing of plans for new well pads or adding of new wells to existing pads?  How about new pipelines; are they coming & where?  Any new acquisitions of gas companies or mergers?  Are you being contacted by gas company representatives for new leases & where?  

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Where in Western PA is your property, and what gas company has your lease?  

Allegheny Co,EQT....We did get a partial royalty payment for May...

I'm working in the industry in Northern PA and have been for a long time now. Things are slow. Slower than I've ever experienced. I'm thankful to still be working and hope things pick up and soon.

There are companies still plowing forward though. Most of what I've experienced has been a wait and see. Waiting and seeing when gas goes back above at least $2.50. I assume the companies that are still plowing forward are doing so because they are committed to supply a certain volume and missing that commitment would likely cost them more than the cost to maintain/increase volume.

Best wishes to all.

No one knows how the impact from this downturn has affected people more then someone like you.  It must be difficult and scary not knowing how your future employment will play out.  As a landowner and member of this blog site I wish you the best as this industry & country works out a path moving forward, and we appreciate your sharing your experience with us.

There appears to be some positive signs in Northern PA with the recent Seneca Resources acquisition, and the news that the Leidy South Expansion project may be moving forward soon.  Hopefully that increase to $2.50 in gas pricing will follow as you mentioned.

CHK seems to be keeping busy near me, anyway.  It looks like there was fracking going on at the McEneany pad, crane set up and water trucks in an out non stop.  Also there was a drill rig set up right nearby to that over on what looks like either Ferraro or Alexander pad, or one of them right in that area; I didn't drive around to see which one but I could see the top of the rig from Shaffer's Notch rd and I can hear it if I walk back through the woods around the hill.  This is Bradford Co PA, Terry/Wilmot twp area.  So that's ongoing action on two pads fairly close to each other.  Good to see.

It looks like Clarion County, PA is seeing some permitting activity from Laurel Mountain Production for new wells.  Are these for Marcellus wells or Utica wells?  Where will the transmission of NG from Clarion County end up?  Are there pipelines in place for take a away capacity?

How will the apparent surge in natural gas pricing impact drilling this year or early next year?

Seems like Greene County, PA has become a hub of activity for CNX Gas.  How has all of this activity impacted the area?   

Does anyone know what Chevron is doing with their acreage in Tuscarawas Ohio ( Mill and Rush townships) ? Are they still trying to sell it? Does anyone know what is in store for these wet gas areas?

Looks like a pipeline is being built into Clarion County, PA with a Laurel name.   Who is this pipeline intended to serve?  Will it be a takeaway pipeline allowing for more drilling in Clarion County?


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