Seeking to sign a fair LEASE in Belmont County.. anyone else?

I'm looking to lease my mineral rights in Belmont County.

Any suggestions as to what group or company might be interested?

Anyone else care to put our minds together to get the best deal for us landowners?

I'm Not in this to profit or gain a percentage of anyone's lease.

I seek only to band together and form a small group of landowners, agree on a fair lease with royalties and hopefully gain some group-leverage with oil companies!

I intend to LEASE... NOT SELL my mineral rights!

Unlike a most recent offer from a supposed/royalties group locally... I won't Sell.

Why Sell the Cow when you can MILK it for the next several decades!

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Depends on your location in Belmont County... What township are you located in.  To my knowledge the players in Belmont County are:  Gulfport, Hess, XTO, Anterro, and Rice.   Each are focused in specific townships with some overlapping.   Good Luck.

My property is located in Pease Twp.


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