Farming is a part of the economic backbone of our country.

It is an extremely strenuous, albeit rewarding, way of life.

In many instances it is extremely difficult to turn a profit as a farmer.

Shale development has provided many American farmers some economic security, which is good for us all.

Please see the attached graphic below.

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Let's change the title to add some truth to the story, "Shale Development Would Support American Farmers If They Were Paid A Royalty". 

Or possibly this title: "Shale Development Results In RICO Fraud against Ohio And US Farmers".

Do you ever wonder why these facts have not been reported or printed in the News?

Could this be Americas Dirty Little Secret that's too old to be changed now?

There are 2 Shale Play governors still in the race for president, how could that possibly be after they have allowed their states Citizens to be stolen from?

If I had the ability to change the world, and we alI have that ability by the way, those two jokers would be in the Big House by 2017 not in the White House.

Ohio has and is suffering the largest case of RICO Fraud in it's history. Isn't it time we all face up to this fact?


With all due respect to you and the issues you have with Chesapeake; it does not wipe away the benefit farming families received from the lease bonus payments.

I personally know families that were in danger of losing family farms. Some of those farms having been in the family for over 100 years. These people were beyond distraught believing that they would be the generation to lose the family legacy.

The question to ask is this:  Why is it that Farmers are needing monies from Oil & Gas development in order to survive?

Nailed it, Barry.  Ron's problem is obviously legitimate, but he is so aggressive on this site that often the positives of dealing with an oil and gas company (they do exist!) get overlooked once he starts in on his royalties rants.  It seems that not everyone has the royalties problem that Ron does (yet many do).

But your point, and a very valid one that I agree with, is that many farmers were paid high signing bonuses which can help their families and farms for years or decades.  In many cases this amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, or sometimes millions.

Have you seen input costs compared to what the farmer is getting for their product


Don't forget property taxes and other taxes.

Also equipment replacement, increased costs of supplies,etc.

Costs for farmers continue to rise, in particular costs related to meeting new or increased regulatory standards. Plus, as you stated, what they actually receive for their product.

All of that makes it difficult to turn a profit in agriculture. 

Most people think they just go to the grocery store and pick it up they do not realize what it takes to get groceries to the store 16 hour days seven days a week
Now or state local and national governments want to take it from these farmers who has scratched out a living for 100 years and read distribute it to the big cities
Fatboyslim, all I can say is Amen. How can any individuals who make up the government vote to take from the hard workers and give to the lazy? It goes against the Bible and logics in favor of emotions. It is apparent that we live in a emotionally eviroment today for the lazy. This trend started a few years ago in our educational system when the tend was to dumb down the smart to be average. That trend has moved into our economy today. When and were will it stop? It depends on who we vote for in the future.

Nothing against farmers, I'm not saying that they don't work hard, or that the government should "take from hard workers and give to the lazy," but are you forgetting about agriculture subsidies?  That's taking money from taxpayers and applying it for the benefit of farmers...  Just trying to keep a balanced perspective.

GH, you are right. Why not keep the government out of it and let supply and demand work? S & D does a better job.
Your oil and gas companies or subsidized also most of your former subsidies are disaster related. 80% of your agricultural farm bill is all Programs to help the poor and needy not saying that they don't need it but most people don't understand this


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