anyone know where these guys went?

did someone buy thier leases here in ohio?

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Tusc-county-man,  Wow haven't heard that name in a while. They sold to Chevron who renewed the leases but then sold them to Pin Oak and EQT who let many of the leases expire. EAP/Encino then came in and has been leasing most of the area that Sierra Buckeye initially leased. Also many offers to buy minerals leased or not. Why are you asking? Are you hoping to get leased? Has anyone contacted you? What township are you in?


i am in goshen twp and have always been held by production

way back when, i signed lease modifications with lease holders and sierra,,, modifications that covered deep rights only

i ask because Dawson company doing seismic testing for EOG wants access to the property. where did EOG get control of the deep rights? i asked for this documentation and thus far they have refused

Tusc county man, I don't know anything about EOG but looking them up they seem to be a drilling company. So an oil and gas company who has now leased or bought leases probably hired them. It could be EQT or Pin Oak that hired them. So who is holding your upper formation now? They may be able to tell you

ironically i got certified letter in mail today

i think EOG got the deep rights from CHK who sierra was really working for

in any case the current lease holders
signed off on letting the dawson company perform the testing for EOG

so that answered my questions.

will be interesting to see where EOG drills the 20 wells they have planned in 2023

Tusc county man,  Glad you got your answer. That right I do recall that CHK as well as Chevron got a lot of the leases from Sierra Buckeye.


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