My ex and I were discussing the fact that the landman also acted as the notary. I say that it is a conflict of interest since the landman benefits (either through commission or direct salary) by getting me to sign a's his job to get me to sign. My ex doesn't see that as a conflict of interest at all. What do you all think? Not important, but the kind of thing that comes up on a rainy day.

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He should be willing to email you a copy of the addendum page file now, as an attachment.  Then you could post a spoiler and we wouldn't have to wait until Saturday for the next episode.

The guy was treating me over the phone like he had to handle me gently or I'd explode. I think I've gotten a reputation at Shell. All I need is a shotgun and no landman would ever come back.


I asked my contact at Shell about the exact wording of the 'non-surface' addendum, and if it prohibits ALL surface operations or only some. I haven't gotten an answer yet.


I STILL think that the original landman made a mistake in the wording of the 'non-surface' addendum; as soon as he realized, he fixed it and put it in with my lease. I'll bet he destroyed the original addendum that we initialed. So Long thinks that what he turned in (the second Addendum) is the original one, which makes me sound crazy. So they are coming out to pat my hand and make me feel better. If I don't want the changed addendum, we may have to wrestle the signed lease away from him. Watch for us all in the police report section of the Wellsboro Gazette.

I'd imagine that the original addendum was approved by SHell but Long Consultings seismic permitting crew threw a fit after hearing about it. After all the seismic is what got this ball rolling in the first place. I bet everyone involved (you, Shell, Long Consulting, the seismic crew, recorder, mailman, ect) will all be quite happy when this is finally done and over with. I bet they are praying nothing happens to your water. They may pack up and leave. 
Haha. I'd be happy if we were all just talking the same language!I think we are all talking about different things (like what a 'non-surface' lease is).  I don't know if 'meeting of the minds' is going to happen here. I know Shell will be happy when I stop bugging them. They don't have to worry about my water; I already have a reverse osmosis filter (high levels of barium, strontium, rubidium and zirconium in my water).


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