Does anyone know the status of the gas well positioned on 660 and mudge road, between the Rice residence and the old Mudge place?  They have removed all of the equipment pretty well, and it looks to be done? As I don't know much about the process I wondered if anyone had any knowledge as to what is happening with the well.

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 Preston did they do that to anyone else in your area and what town are you in ? I'm sorry  but don't take it personally that has happened to alot of us with East Resources another deal will come knockin on your door.

The homestead is between Mansfield and Wellsboro-farm house on Rice road with the barn across the street. Acreage is behind the house to the new pond, to 660, behind the barn to rt 6.  It surprised us completely, don't know what happened with Shell letting the lease go. Unless they are thinking of renegotiating their deal.

What Landex shows for your name is a Memo recorded June 30, 2012 and Surrenders for that Memo recorded on July 26 and July 27.  (And the LLC Deed August 2.)   Is what you're referring to now a lease signed after that one, or are they just getting around to notifying you that they surrendered the lease? 

Couple days ago I saw that SWEPI had recorded ~27 Surrenders on September 4 .   So, you're not alone. 

The Landex posts are all in reference to the formation of the LLC and the transfer of deeds to the LLC. Where did you see the 27 Surrenders? It seems like the timing puts us into one of the 27.  I wonder what the motivation for this action on the part of Shell is?

Click "Tioga" box in left column


BEGIN DATE:  9/4/2012

END DATE:  9/4/2012

Click the "Search" button

So I ran a search from June to September on SWEPI*. This shows that there is a very large listing of Surrenders. Interestingly enough there are at least 15 in Richmond alone. There are probably over 50 in the total for that time period. Is someone making a powerplay here, or trying to make a statement after the payments due to the state were Sept. 1st?  Or is it in relation to the well status in that area?

 The surrenders are in townships all over the county,there is no pattern?

It will take a little more time to map out the surrenders. Originally I was just interested in the numbers, now maybe I can find out more.

Don't read so much into the surrenders, most are for top lease options that the original lease was HBP'ed in time and was no longer needed.


Boy do I feel like a newbie! Could you please explain your reply in plain English?

 Preston was your property top leased?

I really don't know exactly. The lease was for the gas rights, but no lease for surface use for a pad etc.  I had assumed that they would use the well mentioned here to drill our area. As I understood it the pad behind the house had horizontals all going south east?


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