Anyone have an update on Sunoco's Mariner 2 east pipeline? They keep threatening landowners with eminent domain. I cannot believe they can get FERC siting rights or PUCO.

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I've spoken to several people who own land Sunoco wants to run their line across.  They tell me Sunoco has settled some holdouts with big checks.  They haven't tried that with us - their initial offer was less than $5 per foot.  The second offer was much better, but still less than $45 per foot.  Their final offer was less than the first offer.  It doesn't matter; I don't want to do business with them at any price.  I've found them to be pretty unsavory and untrustworthy, and I'm not interested in dealing with them.  So, I guess we'll duke it out in court.  Most of the legal eagles I've spoken to on the matter tell me Sunoco doesn't have eminent domain power for this line.  They are acting like they do, and have threatened a number of landowners with it besides us.  We'll see what a judge decides.

I've had pretty much the same bad experience with them. My lawyer tells me the Sunoco board of directors just decided  on their  own that  "hey let's claim we have  eminent domain" Looks like we are headed to court also. Let these type of people on your land and nothing good can come of it.


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