It seems more evident now that the sweetest spot of the utica. the spot with the most production The most profitable. the best mix of 75% ligiuds,25% dry gas,  M/L. is gonna be southwestern Harrison county/ northeastern Guernsey co. OHIO. anyone got any proof to the contrary?

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Thanks Hope for getting it right. I looked and they are broke down as you say. All i know is the fluids are the money maker at this time. Still, these are impressive results i would say. There sure is a lot of rigs in this area.

I agree the numbers look good. Conngrats on your Well!


  Despite the apparent differentiation between CHK & GPOR results, Mr. McClendon expressed elation over CHK's results to date in the Utica during his 3Q conference call with the stock analysts. So, it seems to be all good.....CHK & GPOR express their results in different terms but it's indisputable that GPOR's wells so far look really good. 

  Insufficient data to conclusively pass judgement, but prima facie evidence to date favors your assertion of the "ultimate sweet spot"!  And to think, you could hardly give away this land a few short years ago!


Why do companies wait to release news on a well untii the spring of the following year? Does the state bar them from releasing good monthly production numbers? If I was producing a world class well that could send my stock price into orbit I would be giving live updates on the production.
The state does not bar them from reporting it to them, the law states though the oil and gas co only need to report once a year in ohio.
The co do production reports often it seems for their investors and its public record.
I wonder though if the investor reports and a little off at times to make everyone happy.
Also in ohio the co's have not had to report the wet gas amounts.

Lets just call all of Eastern Ohio the sweet spot, Harrison, Belmont, Carroll, Guernsey, Columbiana.....

Who would of thought we'd be discussing this 5 years ago.

Chk reports differently than Gulfport so we can't compare results straight up. Plus the laterals are different.

Like Dan said in a previous discussion. "Both Wagner and Buell are great producers.  My point is that Gulfport was massaging the numbers to impress their shareholders.  Beating the Buell well by 54% sounds impressive!  But being generally as good as the Buell is impressive enough" also "the Buell  well numbers do not take into consideration the extra liquids derived from processing. They only report the "raw" gas and liquids".


and in another comparison by Dan "Buell comes in at $79,794/6800' = $11.76/day/ft and Shugert is at $65,178/5800' = $11.24/day/ft".


If we really want to know, why doesn't someone put together a spread sheet summarizing all the well outputs just as Dan did here, considering all the variables.

We'll know a lot more in April '13. Hurrah for Ohio!



I have a question.  Nobody ever mentions Jefferson County and there is virtually no drilling going on there.  You can not get much more "Eastern Ohio" than Jefferson County, so what is the deal there?

Katie, I have wondering about that (Jefferson County) for many months and no one seems to have an answer ? Would love to know why too !

Jefferson County is perceived to be in the dry gas zone, which is not the current main interest go the E & P's.


Thank you, Bluflame !

Thank you.

Thank you Katie....for asking that question !  Wishing the Best for you !


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