As many of you know we presented a screening of FrackNation this past Saturday.

By attendance count some might say it wasn't successful.

But I met five people who were not sure about shale development prior to attending. They had heard all the misinformation. They left believers in shale development. So for me the event was a success.

I am thankful to Keith and GMS for giving me the opportunity to meet these people. Without being able to promote the event on GMS I might never have met my new friends.

We should all take every opportunity to promote shale development. It's easy to speak to friends family and neighbors; I suggest you go out pf your way to speak to people you don't know. When you are in line at a store or fast food place etc engage people around you. This is a great way to battle the misinformation spread by the anti development crowd. You will also make new friends.

Thanks again Keith.

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Although I personally did nothing on your end to promote the event, I have spread the truth (about fracking) to a great many people local to me and at work (Cleveland).  Education,  that would not have been possible without the likes of You and some other's  input on this site.  Thanks to you for your efforts on this site and locally to promote the "truth".  I owe you a beer man!  (maybe a couple).  Have a good night sir!



Thanks for carrying the word.

If we all did this the anti crowd wouldn't stand a chance.

Being in Ashtabula I'm not much involved yet but I am glad for the chance to read on here all the important topics being dealt with by others. Thanks .

Well, Mark here's a pat on the back to all the work you put in on this. Sometimes it's more about the journey than the bottom line. And, I am always happy to let GMS serve as a conduit for motivated people who want to make a difference. 


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