To Lease or Not to Lease: Has Anyone NOT signed a lease? I'd like to hear why you didn't

My wife and I are part of a landowners group that is in the process of having their Range Resources contract reviewed by attorneys.  We only have 3.2 acres and have not decided whether we are actually going to sign a lease.  I am curious to hear from people who started to go through the process and then at some point decided against it.  I'd like to hear your reasons.  FYI - I'm not posting this so I can attack people's decisions.  I am genuinely interested in hearing from people who decided not to sign a lease.  


Thanks in advance!

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The real issue that has so disturbed these people is that very cheap natgas has displaced wind and solar energy sources, which is the dream of the environmental left.  They are very angry that their favored energy sources, which were just now gaining footing due a sympathetic President and left wing controlled Congress, is now being exposed as a sham.  Their dream of a world driven by shiny solar cells and Quixotic windmills is coming crashing down despite the heavy subsidies they are given.

Perhaps someday these sources will be developed to the point that they can succeed without subsidies. It would be great that every home be powered by silent panels that sit on the roof with no network of power lines or fossil fuel sources.  Maybe new methods will come about that will eliminate the huge amount of toxins that the production of the raw materials spews into our environment.  But until then natgas will the fuel that gets us to that point.

Yep, that sounds about right.
Ah yes, they will be able to compete without subsidies like Oil & Gas!

I don't know what subsidies your talking about.  The government doesn't pay for 3/4s of my tank of gas when I fill up or for my heating bill during the winter. I don't know of any oil company that was given huge low-interest-rate loans to build factories.

Solar companies get subsidized at the research, the manufacturing, the selling side, and the installation side. They get subsidized at every step of the process and they still can't compete!

Oil & Gas gets tax breaks & subsidies, who are you trying to kid??  Just would like to know why it is only good on one side.  It's amazing how one sided these forums have gotten.  People are so desperate.  Wait until they start exporting the NG, so much for self sufficiency!  By the way, I am leased in PA.  I just have a hard time believing anyone but the State & the Gas companies will make any money in the end.  I haven't planned on spending my wealth just yet.

I always hear about these subsidies for oil and gas companies but I have never had anyone point just what subsidies they get.  Care to give it a try? I see you moved the goal post by adding "tax breaks." Almost missed that slight of hand.  Tax breaks are very different than subsidies.  They mean that you get to keep more of your money you make while subsidies means that the government gets to take money from all taxpayers at threat of jail and then decide who gets to spend it. Big difference.


Solar and wind get huge gollups of both tax breaks and subsidies.

Yea, don't forget about the $550+ million  "subsidy" that our current administration gave Solyndra .......


our money.......


They should invest $550 million in getting our gas safely to market

I am all for investing in NG here and keeping it here, but for some reason it is not catching on with either side of the aisle.  Anybody know why that is??
TIN FOIL CAP ALERT.............WTF.............
This is true. There are many family members of loved ones lost during the attack who are still actively seeking answers, and they're met with nothing but charades, resistance, and sidestepping from officials.
If you don't know the difference between Ace Ventura and Jesse Ventura, neither of which got academic scholarships, then there ain't much more to say.....


Wonderful question.  I would be anxious to read them. 


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