In a long awaited study, the process of hydraulic fracturing is shown to not contaminate aquifers.

Arm yourself with scientific facts and thwart the anti's. It is getting harder by the day to state " fracing is killing us". Share this report with everyone you know, we are winning the battle of proof. The truth always surfaces..

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From the article: "A new study by the U.S. Geological Service (“USGS”), released January 9, 2013"


The fact that it took one of our most dedicated Sleuths almost two weeks to unearth this study demonstrates how difficult it is for proper science to see the light of day. And even then, it was only noted on a less than prominent venue.


You did not see this study referenced where it belonged:

The front page of the New York Times,

or on CNN,

or on CBS, NBC,

or on Bloomberg or MSBN,

or on Huffington Post,

it probably did not even make it to FOX.


Sensationalism Sells, Real Science languishes.

Chicken Little trumps a little science.

No wonder we end up with loonies like Vera the Un-verifiable.


The truth is out there, but (without being too paranoid), the Fourth Estate make it darn hard to discover.

This situation in which what the public is allowed is to see is censored by the media (whose purpose is supposedly to inform us) truly sucks.


My rant du jour,




In the words of Bill Nye "Science rules"


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