Vantage Energy has stopped paying royalties on the Sandrock well in New Freeport, Greene County.

With absolutely NO prior notice, Vantage has stopped paying all royalties beginning in June 2015 to landowners on the Sandrock Marcellus Gas well in New Freeport, Greene County.  It was discovered by the landowners when they simply stopped receiving royalty checks. 


When asked why there was no notice given and no reason given the Senior Vice President of Land from Vantage, Mr. Worth Carlin said, "We don't have to tell you anything".  He then said, " we will be sending out a letter explaining why and how we calculated this in a couple weeks."  (2 months after ceasing to pay royalties).  And to date, there has been no letter of explanation.


Mr. Carlin said that he made a HUGE mistake how he calculated royalty payments and it was all his fault and the landowners in the Sand rock well will not receive royalty payments for years.


It seems that despite an almost million dollar fine to the DEP recently,  Vantage continues doing business unscrupulously and possibly illegally. 


If there are any other Vantage Energy lease holders in the same situation, All the lease holders in the Sandrock well are in the process of taking legal action and would like to meet and discuss strategies'.

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I would contact the state attorney general and ask for an investigation of this situation .......sounds pretty fishy to me

thanks, good suggestion

I am one of these lease holders. When and where is this meeting?

I was explained by the "Owners relations dept" that the units were redrawn and the payments (or lack thereof) were made retroactive??

How can they possibly make the payments retroactive? And where are the calculations that show my "overpayment?

I was told I would get a return call to explain from one of the "Division order specialists" Needless to say, I have not received a call yet....

you can call me anytime at 412 973 1434 and I will let you know.


I own minerals in Greene County, but no one has contacted me. I've been hanging in here waiting and waiting, for at least 3 years.

good luck i wont tell you what i think of vantage energy i would be banned from this site 

My last post was in July 2015. Anyone on this forum having any luck with anything?

Rice  well( formerly) owned by  CHK) has curtailed, reduce production on the Michael McNicholas well Greene county Pa. since July 15 we received a letter Sept.15 of this. Checks went from 1500 to 100 in less then a year.I personally have given up hope. If it hadn't been for the nice signing bonus I don't think I would have got on this big sad roller coaster called Lets see how much we can cheat the landowners.


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