water and wastewater in any region, any water reclamation plants yet?

I am curious to know how much activity is going on in any of our areas. I am familiar with some of the areas in Bradford, and Susquehanna counties. Where is all of this water coming from? I know some is from the rivers.

But, all of the wastewater that is supposed to be produced by these wells, where is it all even going? Who is hauling it?

I have heard the stories of wastewater reclamation plants that are supposed to cook the salts out of the water so the water can be reused. Has any of this even come to fruition?

It seems like there are lots of things that are supposed to be going on but some of it remains to be seen. What do the rest of you know about all this water/wastewater, what have you all seen?

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i have read that some places the municpal waste water facilities are being used and their are talks of a closed loop systems which i have no idea what can be read into that, washington conty might have some feedback,im in beaver county pa on the learning stage of a site being preped now
I did find out that Eureka Resources, LLC in Williamsport is operating some sort of treatment plant of reclamation plant. At least with a reclamation plant the water is getting reused instead of diluting it in the Susquehanna like some municipal plants.

When you see tanker trucks(tractor trailers) they are probably hauling it longer distance
Here is a little more info on Eureka from wikiMarcellus.
Mark, you're right on target to worry about this. They estimate approx. 3 million gallons of waste water/well, and talk about "deep injection wells" to avoid putting up proper waste water treatment plants. Those injection wells could become very bad news for the aquifer.


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