We got a call from Anadarko and a well is going in on the property. This property is owned by 4 separate people, mineral rights by another..Surface ours for the time being . What a mess. We advised the mineral rights owner to get a lawyer and they flat out refused.. What to do..Im getting an attorney.

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I'm really sorry. I didn't catch what is was you meant by advising your grandma to get an attorney. It appears that Anadarko would like to make sure this whole thing is agreed upon, understood and completed in a timely manner. I guess if I knew Anadarko had requested the representation it would have made more sense to me. If you reread your OP you may understand the comments you have received. Not to mention past comments that you have made on this issue. I truly hope this all works out well (no pun intended) for you. Dealing with these companies can be overwelming if you don't understand what it is your allowing. If the well is proposed. Ask them to spend some time bringing you or who ever will be affected by surface operations to an already operational well and walking you through what to expect. Remember that this is their daily routine that they are bringing to your back yard and life. They understand everything about it. They need to help you to understand it. An attorney will help you with the legaleeze but an attorney never truly understands someones property quite like the property owner.


Is the operator going to actually be Anadarko or is Chesapeake doing the drilling? I have not seen any drilling permits or declarations filed by Anadarko in Tioga County. They have assigned a lot of acreage or partial interest in leases of late though.

Maybe I didn't say it well, I just drove 7 hrs with 5 kids in a car..LOL I was a bit tired.


Andarko told us "we are moving North Mam"...he said he is right below in the Trout Run area now.


Anadarko stated after Jan 15 2012 and up till 2013 they will be present.


As for the well everyone "no one wants it" and yes it is going to be big..But none of us have a choice and we understand that. So we must make do and do the best we can with a situation we don't care for. Such is life. But you all need to understand this, Grandma doesn't want one either. None of us have a choice. If I am negative is because I am the one having to deal with all the family stuff that comes with this decision. Sometimes life isn't a bowl of cherries and we do what we have to. I am the only one willing to be informed, stay informed and help her out concerning this situation. I interrpet everything for her. I think you all need to understand that. Thank you..

Thank you that was helpful.

I finally figured out why I'm so confused about this. I've been following your grandmother's story and I had it in the back of my mind that your grandmother WANTED a well. I found this:

No we can't, but since the Grandmother who owns the mineral rights is all for a gas well, we at least have some say in the testing areas. She on the other hand has not accepted that she is locked into a lease for a lousy $45 pr..acre because she has an extension clause.


Yeah Linda, she is flip flopping too..She is just plain old and we are having a time with it. Now she doesn't want one and told me she called and told them so and of course as you know "she has no more choices" she is locked in for another 5 yrs..

Moving forward ... Did Anadarko say that there would be a well pad on your property?  Or were they just letting you know that they were planning for a unit that will include your property?  Thirteen acres seems small to use as their primary site.  But they may come onto your property as they are scouting the land for the unit.  

Next, how far along are you with your building plans?  Does the property have electricity, perc test, driveway, stakes for basement and drainage field, etc?   Any existing well or spring that you use for a water supply?  Have you applied for a building permit and/or lined up a contractor?  You definitely should check with your lawyer on this, but it could be advantageous for you to get there with your bulldozer before they get there with theirs. 

Yes Ann they said there will be a well . Also it is 45 total acres Grandma has mineral rights to, we own 13. something of that. A well for sure.

We've shoppped, been approved for a loan amount and want to get started in the spring. To late in the season now. We've perc tested and have been approved for any type of system. We just got our maps completed . We inquired about electric and well and have a family owned well business to do our well in the spring.  Electricity was silly to do now, easier  and cheaper to do the same time we build.

We have thought the same, get there quickly..But we feel so pinched right now. We can't now, it is going to be to wet and cold. Our house builder told us he can start as soon as the weather changes. We are racing the clock now. 


On our property has two spring fed ponds and a creek..If you can imagine a huge square us owning a square in the top right hand corner and an add'l amount in the lower left hand corner climbing the mountain. Each opposite corner owned by someone else. The obvious spots for a well would be our lower or upper piece and or a cousin piece in the woods. But they have the whole 45 acres to work with.  Who knows what they'll do..I wish I could get that answer Ann. If I don't hear who our "surface man " by next wk. I"ll be contacting them myself and try to get more info.


Thanks ..

Still not convinced the well(s) is a done deal.  Even if you consider anywhere within the 45 acres as being in you backyard, that leaves ~595 other acres in a unit.   I don't find an Anadarko Morris Twp  permit application in eFacts, a declaration in Landex, or an SRBC water use permit.  And as you mentioned, the seismic isn't complete.  I'd think seismic would be important there because of the possibility of drilling into an undocumented mine, methane pockets, etc. 

I didn't mean to suggest that you go full steam ahead with building, not knowing what Anadarko is going to do.  Rather, that you be able to show and document that you do have specific plans to build on the property.  For example, you would not want a road over the proposed septic field. 

I don't know if you followed the discussion about the Hallowich family problems, but it did bring up something I hadn't thought of.  Since they hadn't had their water well drilled before the gasco drilled their gas well, there was no way to prove the contamination was caused by the gasco.


I thought of the well thing too Ann, I'll check that discussion out.. I think we'll get the plans done, housed area staked out and area of well staked out.


You made me think of something, the guy said that they are staking out a 460 acre area there, which will include grandmas place in Morris Twp..


I'm also with you on this whole thing could be just a "possibility."


Thanks so much. RobinSJ

Also, could they be talking about doing the seismic survey? I was getting calls every day 
"we will be in your area soon"... "we are right across Rt. 362 and will be in your area tomorrow".

Nope Lynn, Seismic testing has been talking to us for a while and I have regular contact with him..Two different people, I was also given Andarko main office number(in Williamsport) from the guy that called us..

Anadarko is drilling wells in Lycoming and Clinton counties.  You might try those GMS county groups to inqquire about landowner experiences with Anadarko.  Like, what does the "surface man" do? 


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