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The fight over property in New York will not come close to Pennsylvania. Companies don't want a bunch of relatively poor shales which is what New York is. They want one fantastic shale, and that shale is the Marcellus, and the best Marcellus is in Pennsylvania - NOT NEW YORK. Nobody wants to drill for the Marcellus when it is shallower than 6000'. I don't care what your one idiot friend from Exxon says. Exxon hasn't drilled a single Marcellus well yet, so you're friend is talking out of his ass.

What is going to happen when they lift the restrictions off of new York? NOTHING. People are going to stay in Pennsylvania because the shale up there IS NOT AS GOOD. The only people who think the shale in New York is better are the people from New York. Nobody in the industry cares about New York.

Get over yourself and your grade C shale. New York leases won't come close to what they are in Penn. Deal with it, you're in no-mans land.
WEll, I will tell my idiot friend why your opinion is ;-) and maybe he will grace you with an answer.. being you are so ignorant of your supposed own business.. I doubt he wil waste time..
And may I tell my local illegal Pharmaceutical dealer how to reach you? you seem in need of a fix!!!
Nancy, no one cares about your opinion.. as it is nothing but insults and putdowns..
you provide no referencable information and just irritate everyone..
but maybe it's just a cry for attention?
a couple of the first 2 sites, I believe are operated by Pro-Publica.. and anti Drilling group controlled by Moveon.org conctroled by George Soros..
read everything with an clear mind.. twice


Please feel free to view the above map as put out by Bernstein Research.. As shown where Susquehanna Pa. meets N.Y. in the NE Corner is my property as is considered core. Broome Cty. NY.

This area was first signed by XTO 2 yrs ago for these exact reasons. A leading geologist who is N.Y. traines and currently works for Whitmar energy did the initial research for XTO and this is why they signed some 30,000 plus acres in this area in 2008.It's all about the geology--

Since than--hess--whitmar--fortuna--chk-- have contacted us for the lease of our 6000 plus acres.

I guess there is some reason to this but your assumption to disregauard this area as mediocre is simply false
Mr. Dan,

Well, if you believe this maps are correct then yes - you are right. But these maps are farrrr from being accurate. This was one of the first marcellus maps that people looked at and it is completely wrong.

Wayne county is dead - that Matoushek well by stone was basically that dry hole James was trying to find. There haven't been any permits since.

Yet they mark it as core.

Same thing with Lackawanna - it's one of the worst counties to drill a well in because of the thermal maturity. That's why there has only been one well drilled and if you read some chatter on this board - it sounds like the well was not good at all. Yet this is marked as core.

So, there are two counties listed as core which are more like worthless acreage. Those counties have uneconomic shale.

Then there are the counties listed as Tier 1 and 2, when they have the best production and should be marked as core...

People need to respect the fact that the geology changes over such a short distance and these broad "core noncore' maps are completely bogus. They are being proven wrong every day. If you want to know where the core of the marcellus is just follow the press releases from these companies, or do some basic mapping on google earth like Ruby (member on here) has done.
As I told you before Nancy is here as an antagonist to all land owners on this forum( whether or not she is paid , I don't know), so pay her no mind..
but feel certain that you are correct.. as you have evidence as do I of our arguements..
and she does not except the babblings that come out of her mouth or keyboard

People are Strange and she certainly fits the bill, I have already filed a complaint against her.
Im an antagonist because I say your counties are not core marcellus. You guys go against what the entire industry believes. You are spreading information that just isnt true. I tell the truth, and you get offended because it doesnt benefit you.

Do you want people to lie to you and tell you to expect 30,000/acre? You obviously can't handle the truth, and that is why you are saying i am an antagonist, a liar, etc...

Your main point always comes back to three things:

1) Marcellus landowners should get the same amount per acre as other shale plays

2) New York is the core of the Marcellus

3) The number of shales you have trumps the quality of only one fantastic shale.

All three of these points are incredibly wrong - unfortunately landowners in New York will listen to this awful "information" and you are HURTING their chances of getting a fair lease.

I'm on the landowners side here - the sane landowners who contribute information when they know it is fact.

I disagree with your posts because you claim to know the answers. Don't "educate" people with information you yourself don't understand.
lady if you can't help, go crawl under a rock..
Nancy do you have any official gas company information or websites you can give us to help prove some of your points? Thank you
My question is this, if there is no economical gas to be had in NY then why did the gas companies lease all this land in Otsego county before they are even allowed to drill there? (please see map)

Here is an interesting link I got out of today's Elmira, NY Star-Gazette

The article "Is it safe to drill?" says an area the size of Broome County NY could get up to 4000 wells.


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