Web sites to help you learn that you need to reduce your environmental risk before you lease

All these people can't be wrong







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actually a lot more...
To Drill or Not to Drill in New York City’s Drinking Watershed?


Memo Details Problems with Gas Drilling in Western New York
guys you are wasting your time and energy.. she has a completely differant adgenda in this forum than you or I
Where I am located along the Pa./Ny border Susquehanna is having great results--I.P's @10mmcf
and in some cases better.

Xto is leased heavily around us and holds 47,000 acres ( WHY )
Thermal Maturity for the are is good
Toc is excellent
Gip as in a lot of the area is 125bcf per sq. mile.
We are elevated pretty high which indicates good pressure

Stacked play with propane frac--recovery at 60 %.

This has a huge potential windfall for gas companies and landowners should be compensated as such.
agreed.. as according to many industry professionals, you will only get big checks for 2 years and then they start falling rapidly.. so becconsiderate of what you receive..
Here is some thought of what my risk or obligation may be
Questions on Marcellus Shale
What path should each of us take in our life time is one huge Question? We do one thing or another that cause each of to do more than what we thought was required. We all get excited about a new or new used item but then it gets old. When it comes to energy within us we question if that food is any good to consume and it’s benefit for what it’s intended to do for use. The farmers’ milk is regulated by State and Federal. Until they can get undivided and you as a consumer give the farmer a 10 cent or what they need they will keep on using BT, growth hormones, milk hormones or what ever it takes to stay in business. This is what you are up against in everything you consume.
This is just one of many reasons why you need to take a close look at what is going on here at the Marcellus shale. Most people feel or fail to act due to lack of rights. Every one of you has the right to question this. If you think you don’t you need to think why not then you will find that question that needs to be asked. I have a dollar in my pocket and I spend it in the way I like to or need to live but I believe that when I have earned it I have always given more than what I have received. So here again you will see why a moratorium for two years should be put in placed on all natural gas drilling.

Should this be addressed, known too who and incorporated in all contracts
If they are on the up and up the land owners who lease and who ever else is involved they should be the risk takers. Each Government Branch should be informed to protect each one of us as individuals compared to our individual involvement.
Who is getting the benefits from the natural gas?
What effect will this have on my home base?
My home base in this order includes my home, my business or job, my neighbor’s, my town, my county, my state and my nation.
As a land owner in a State what are my property rights?
I am under the understanding that State backs my landownership through counties that I have ownership of property and guarantees me certain rights before or after new laws are in affect.
Will my taxes go up?
Evidently my mineral value has increased. If I would find gold on my property would my property tax increase if the right person found out?
Are present contracts legal?
Knowing that all or almost all of the contracts where written and signed before the knowledge of hydraulic fracturing process was brought up.
If I decide not to be party to this drilling and they drill or hydraulic fracture my Gas anyway, what happens to the gross capital from my gas?
This gross capital should go into a fund with bank interests, to be divided up among all people or companies entitled to there share if I would later change my mind also I should be able to put it in a will, too. This fund would also be used in civil law suits when a law is broken and be replaced by the loser or both in a tie, but is not to pay any compensation to anyone. By being able to will my gross capitol my fair share will not end up for just anyone to use and the replacement ensures there is a lest some deterrent against those who feel they can do no wrong to each other in a court of law.
From the land owner to the governor what is their responsibility?
Both owners of property have a responsibility to each other and one may endure a hardship but this hardship is limited.
When one owner uses there mineral rights and another doesn’t,
Isn’t it all involved; people and corporations; from the land owner to the governor, acquired the same responsibility and liability in either direction?
If something minor to major event happens to the environment, who is responsible?
If something minor to major event happens to my live stock, who is responsible?
If something minor to major event happens to my pet or pets, who is responsible?
If something minor to major event happens to a person or persons, who is responsible?
Do we need insurance?
Do I need a lawyer?
Is the supper fund large enough?
If minor do we have enough Community Service programs available?
This could spike a few jobs.
Do we need bigger jails?
There is voluntary and involuntary written in the laws that may put someone in jail.
If we do need larger jails who pays this?
Then who would do the rehabilitation of these people?
Green People would argue, give them a covered wagon, seeds, farm hand tools and let them live off that land.
Earth Quake is this going to be called natural in the sense that they broke the rock; the water and gas is loose.
We all know this may happen. I dig below frost for a footer knowing that the frost line varies year to year but could exceed the code.
Do they say anything about fisher’s large cracks in the earth?
Syracuse has one that shows it’s bottomless and how far dose this extend.
This pumping makes as much sense as it the city where to use this crack for city run off.

Where is the path of the migration of the Monarch Butterflies?
Are they going to stop for the butterflies?
Where is the path of the migration of all mammals?
Natures Earth quakes are real; how far apart is these square mile fracking going to end up to be?
What comes back out of the ground is the real issue not what we put into it?
These Fracking fluids could fracture and dissolve the shale during also, well into the future. What most likely will happen is what they disrupt that is imbedded in shale will be the real danger at the time of fracking and later on.
What’s the problem with fracking? The process, which uses millions of gallons of water and unknown chemicals, has been linked to a range of health and environmental problems, including contaminated drinking water in Pennsylvania, a massive fish kill in a creek along the border between Pennsylvania and West Virginia and a chemical spill that killed cows in Shreveport, Louisiana, as the Wall Street Journal has reported.
“New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today said the $129.4 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund (Fund) will continue to press energy companies to disclose to their shareholders the environmental and regulatory risks associated with unconventional natural gas extraction including hydraulic fracturing.
unfortunately, most of what you have written, is incorrect, as information is available on line.. by every company concerning the chemicals they use, second, there are 2 new solutions already climbing into production in PA and NYS tests
1. Closed Loop System, where the water used is only 10% of normal Hydro-Fracing and is cleaned on site and reused, and only the bad solid elements need shippoing and processing
2. gasfrac, using Propane, and no Water.. http://www.gasfrac.com , check it out.

The other issue which is much more serious than people understand is that OIL IS FINISHED... there is no more.. we have as exhausted the supply, we are cleaning the bottom of the barrel GLOBALY. and as a country, you have 2 choices spend 1.5 Trillion Dollars and up every year moving forward or Switch to Natural GAS and cost the Country ZERO 0 . or better yet, tell them to realease the cheap hydrogen solution ;-)
sorry , but this type of misinformation was alreaady disproved sevreal times in several forums herer...

let's not forgte that humans are part of teh environment too!! not just butterflies..
here again you will see why a moratorium for two years should be put in placed on all natural gas drilling.
Jean said: only the bad solid elements need shipping and processing, again we live in a world of different people so who is going to see that these solids gets to the drilling site and not some nut driving it into a reservoir. I’m up for the predator and over doing it safely also giving those drivers the same rights as armor car, mail delivery and or emergency vehicles .
Greg, there is already over 100,000 wells in operatin in the NYS /PA area... Moratorium is a moot point...
The arguement here is over how to drill, not if to drill..
Jean the land owners have the final say and a lot of leases are still up to sell and are due to expire. There are land owners that have signed before this fracking was known to them. They are in need of information on the risk and if they have a contract that binds them. Only 60 present of the land or people need to be signed the other 40 need to be protected or you live in a dictatorship world
I would prefer to be in the 60% that need to be signed ;-)
Jean heres an intersting article
United States: Big Win for Gas Companies in Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Royalties Case
This is New York but maybe some of it can be uesd for the 60% and 40%


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