I had inquired if anyone know about any interest in mineral rights leasing in Westland Township, Guernsey Co, Ohio. Someone replied to my inquiry but this site will not allow me to see the reply. Could you try again? Thank you!

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I sent you a friend invite. I may be able to give you some direction. 

I accepted your friend request and would welcome any advice or direction you are able to give.

My wife & son attended a meeting with "Landowners Leasing Group" at Salt Fork Lodge on Monday and were quite impressed with their resources and capabilities as they are very centered toward the landowners interests. We are unleased in Guernsey County at this time and are planning on joining the group and feel it will be much better than attempting to sign as an individual and the more individuals they have, the better negotiating position everyone is in. They have additional meetings on Thursday in St. Clairsville and on Monday in Woodsfield. I believe they may also try to have a meeting at the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center in Cambridge.

A friend of mine went to the one in Harrison County last week and said there were only 5 people in attendance.  He said that it was a good presentation though and it seemed like a competent group of professionals.  Not only attorneys, but also CPA firm and a real estate professional. They all work together. I am planning on making the Monroe County meeting next week and am interested to see what they have to say in person.  How was the attendance last night?  More than 5?  There is strength in numbers, so I'm curious about that.

My wife and son are estimating that there were about 40 in attendance and they were quite impressed with the presentation, their knowledge and collective group of resources.  I had to work Monday and I work Thursday but am off on Monday and contemplating a road trip to the Woodsfield meeting just to check it out (though I'm quite satisfied with how the family feels about it).  We leased our Harrison County and Carroll County properties with Chesapeake a couple years ago but have over 103 acres in Center Twp, Guernsey County and would like to to get as good of a lease as possible.  Harrison Co. has been pretty active and I think that many folk may have also leased when we did.

E3 Oil and Gas are starting to lease in Guernsey County Ohio heard through the grapevine.  www.e3og.com is the site

Don't think it's "leasing". They are BUYING mineral rights,& royalties!

I had asked if they were leasing and they said yes.


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