Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Thanks Paleface and Blue bird.  I just got off of the phone with a friend local to the area.  She knew very little, if anything, going on.  Man, if they don't have to drive around it or over it in Tioga County, they just don't acknowledge any change or activity at all.  No wonder the landmen have a good time there.

 Brian they have been drillin Neals for 4-5 days.Your right that area makes you lazy.

 In NC-NW Tioga county you could have 4 formations drilled from one pad,Burket,Marcellus,Utica and Trenton black river ( so far.)

None have been shown to be profitable at current gas prices, however. That's the problem in this industry - finding gas and making money are two different things. I was looking at Marcellus gas production from various wells in Chatham Township the other day, for instance - it really was shockingly poor. But at the right price for natural gas (perhaps $15 - 20/mcf) you could probably make a well there in multiple formations. No wonder Shell is looking for other alternatives to the Marcellus - it's certainly what I'd do if I had all that acreage and couldn't drill the Marcellus profitably.   

 Jack Shell must see something here they like they sold 50,000 acre's in Ohio to Aubrey and rushed back here to drill the Utica/TBR.I would think if Neals is as good as C Gee's there will be more rigs headed back here.Now Shell is hot on S.E. Tioga county.Jack it just keeps getting better . 

One test well isn't "rushing back to drill the Utica/TBR", but I agree that if the Neal well is really good that will certainly help make up for the weak Marcellus in NW Tioga County. Let's all stay positive.  

They won't sell to the little guys - they don't trust them to do things right. Shell is worried about getting liabilities dumped back on them if a smaller buyer goes under or has a serious accident. So they'll plug a well before selling it.

Josie:  What about properties that are only partially in a unit but are entirely hbped by the unit?   The company selling the unit is probably going to want to keep the hbped land outside the unit to put in future units.  It may be possible for one company to assign a percentage of a lease to another company, but can leases be split into geographical areas?  And if that happens, is the land outside the unit still hbped?  Even if the puchasing company decides to permanently plug the existing well and drill a new one?  Not saying it isn't possible, but it potentially does get complicated.  

  Jack it might not be a small company Shell would sell acreage to in Tioga county.I heard Chevron has shown interest.

 Jack be carefull buying in Bradford there is some bad area's there .Swepi has surrenderd about 14 lease's over there. Some area's are very good and some are not good just like Tioga but Tioga has the Utica to make up for the bad area's. 

 Josie, Brian day found a web sight just Google Rome Trough you will see a web sight from Go Marcellus it explains the Utica/TBR/Point Pleasant in our area,there is a web sight just under it on Google that is very good also.The more you read it the more sense it makes its a tough read.


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