My guess is that oil prices will spike when the Arabs start attacking each others oil fields and shipping ports.... Then the U.S. will be exporting to Europe and other countries and will need to drill more and frac more... Any one else with ideas? 

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Awesome! You are a brother in Christ! Yes! We know don't we?

You all scare me to DEATH !

It's the other side you need to be concerned with Caroline Fox.

I'm on our side.


I am sorry Carolyn as that was not my intent. I was just giving my 2-cents re: Lance's questions regarding possible war in the ME and it's effects on the fracking industry. I suppose I also take seriously Ezekiel 33:1-6 about the watchman, and warning people. If we rely on the MSM (mainstream media) that is controlled by six mega-corporations about the true state of affairs, we are in trouble. Knowledge is power, and I do believe it is incumbent on us all to be prepared for the days ahead the best we are able. As a parent I myself struggle with fear in the context of what I grasp, but we cannot let fear win.

The convergence is happening while so many want to "Keep up With the Kardashians", etc. Things are becoming more clear for those who really get how things work, and I sure hope they and we are wrong for the sake of our children and our children's children. At the same time, we know it is supposed to happen as the close of the age approaches, so we trust and prepare, and as you said, hope hope hope for the best!

Don't know how likely a total conflageration in the ME is myself - but there seems to be plenty of serious activity going on - that much is for sure.

Look at Syria / IS (ISIS ?) / the Syrian refugees fleeing their country into Hungary. Fences / Razor Wire etc.

Who is funding the IS (ISIS) war machine ?

All because of oil ?

Staggering to consider.

Good Luck to all of us - thinking we need it.

Hi Joseph- ISIS is believed to have seized large amounts of cash in the exploits, and there is more than anecdotal evidence that ISIS is a creation of the Western intelligence agencies, principally the CIA as a proxy for use against Assad in Syria, as well as a counter-balance to Iran in Iraq- ISIS being Sunni like Al Qaeda, and Iran being Shia. ISIS' tactics and barbarity are horrific, and unfortunately they believe in a apocalyptic form of Islam much like the Iranian Shia do i.e. the 12th imam.

Prices would rise should an all out war among ME (and / or other European Oil Producing) countries erupt.

Another huge reason to leave them to themselves.

Best reason : We have plenty of our own Natural Gas and Oil.

2nd Best Reason : The ME is unstable and can't be relied upon as allied.

A no-brainer however, we would have to stand with staunch allies (Israel).

Yes! That's what I thought too... Especially STANDING WITH ISRAEL!

Supply and demand = price and profit. 

RJ Morgan, you reflect my thinking to a 'T'.  I like your observation " . .serious weakness in foreign currencies which subsequently appears to "strengthen" the U.S. dollar . . . "  It's only the race to the bottom to boost exports that's really supporting the dollar. 

I note that Japan, Korea, China and Australia have discussed clearing some of their trade in local currencies as have Russia and the PRC for their gas/oil 30-year deal.  Plus, China has plenty of dollars on hand to help Russia fund O&G projects on the Yamal Peninsula, Yakutia and maybe even Kamchatka.  So much for Western sanctions!  In addition, Russia is developing its Siberian regions' local economies fairly rapidly so the internal markets for the likes of Lukoil, Tatgaz and Gazprom will be expanding, lessening dependence on European markets.  They're definitely not standing still!

They don't seem to be big fans of the NWO do they ?

The NWO can't be counted on I deduce.

Don't think we ought to either.

I never did and suggested we ought not to long ago.

Hello - Good Morning - do we all smell the coffee now ?

Hope so.


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