Wolf's rise to power signals change of direction in Pennsylvania regarding drilling

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Human beings in general will always find more attractive redistributionist politicians who emulate Robin Hood or Santa Claus.

By the same token, politicians who espouse personal responsibility and hard work have a really tough sell.

I would love a politician that emulated robin hood, who stole from the government and gave to the people.

Sounds Good to me Gary, but don't hold your breath !   HA HA   THIS..... Would truly be a Blessing...

Gary, did you forget....the government has NO money except those dollars taken from it's citizens.  So, it's an oxymoron to say "steal from the government".  You're only stealing from yourself.

However, we could encourage our "fearless leaders" to spend less on every other country in the world and try to use those funds here at home!!  That would help.

Perhaps a small element of fact should be introduced into the conversation.

"Long term slow/no growth". Please refer to expanding US GDP in past 5 years.

"Lack of economic expansion" please see above.

"War on energy sector" Clearly a nonsensical statement in light of the very significant expansion of US energy production of recent past.

"How many of us can afford to upgrade...our old homes we were forced to finance at grossly overpriced rates". I suggest you look at mortgage interest rates which in the past few years have been near historic Loews.

Probably I am just missing your subtle humor in that your posting is meant to be taken entirely in jest. If so, my apologies.
Guess your comedy was unintentional.

eg "deflated our currency". Have you not followed the value of the dollar vs other currencies such as Euro? The dollar has risen to the point that US manufacturers are being hurt. And yes, BMW, Audi ans Mercedes are all selling quite well in US.they are expensive mostly because many people are willing and able to pay for their (presumed) value.

Your "War on energy" rhetoric has all the merit of the Birtherism nonsense of the recent past. The chief reason for the current decline of coal: Cheap Natural Gas. Almost giveaway prices.(oh how I wish less was being produced, and my royalty checks were doubled!)

"How much wealth the oil and gas industry industry could pump back into federal coffers" ( presumably by increasing drilling). Have you not heard that O & G production is at record levels? Have you recently purchased gasoline prices are so low that it hardly pays to drill? We are awash in cheap fuel.

The 5-7 % historic GDP expansion you presumably are referring to associated with "easy money(that) helped create the bubble that destroyed the economy in 07" is being reversed, as evidenced by any number of current economic indicators. If you have applied for a mortgage since 2008, you know that the "easy money" is no longer being thrown at unqualified purchasers, and thus mortgage defaults are dramatically down
Your comments are so far removed from reality that no further response is appropriate.

I agree the banks are once again writing bad paper, mainly for auto loans and this will start to weaken the lending bubble forward.
We also need cheap energy for a strong country. The problem is if oil had stayed high in price, inflation would slowly start rising and the cost of borrowing would have put the highly leveraged energy companies in the same position they are in now. The rest of us would also get hit with the higher interest rates and inflation which would throttle back our economy. Many want to open the gates all the way for energy exports to keep the ball rolling and though we need to help our allies with energy needs, if the gates are open to much we will stall our economy also.
Hopefully we all take advantage of lower costs now and reduce our debt, increase our wealth and our leaders don't tax it all away from us.
We are truly blessed in the land of plenty considering the waste, theft and incompety of our leaders, industry and selves.

well said!

Chesapeake Energy - Source Watch   Full Story http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Chesapeake_Energy

According to the Common Cause "Deep Drilling, Deep Pockets" report, Chesapeake gave $377,319 in lobbying cash to PA politicians from 2007-2009.[13] Furthermore, in 2010, Chesapeake gave $89,390 in campaign contributions to various politicians running for office in PA state elections. This included some $11,000 to Governor Tom Corbett, who is a known ally of the fracking industry in Pennsylvania. [14] $10,500 went to his opponent, Democrat Dan Onorato.[15]


Whatever.  The persons running the sources you cite, if they had their way, would turn Pennsylvania into New York where drilling is concerned.  Their goal is first to impugn the industry which supports our country and so many landowners here, then to SHUT IT DOWN, then to cover the rural countryside where many of us live with asinine wind turbines and solar farms.  All of that in the name of "global warming", which does not even exist!!

Kindly take your left wing sources and liberal propaganda to some left wing website.  This is a place where in-the-shale landowners congregate, not radical socialists! 


      You are inviting people to comment when you start a discussion on GMS.com.

If I lived in PA I would have noticed when CHK stopped paying royalties sooner than July 2014 when I got my first Royalty Check. My complaints against CHK are on behalf of all landowners not just for myself.

You're Welcome!!

If you were to put those numbers into perspective with other industry/individual contributions you would see how small the contributions were. Of  course you probably won't do that.


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