It has been reported that Yoko Ono & Sean Lennon are visiting northeastern PA frack sites  and residents who say they've been harmed by fracking.  This ought to be good....glad they have a cause that gives them a sense of purpose.  Actually, maybe this is a good thing as it keeps Yoko out of the recording studio.

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Citizens of New York state to some degree get the government they deserve. Cuomo, Schumer, Bloomberg are all radical left-wingers. I do pray that the citizens of New York wake up. Otherwise they will soon find that only outlaws will have guns.

I hear Sean is trying to get some type of career going.  So far he has proved he has no talent like his mother.  Maybe  he needs the publicity  so he has some kind of name recognition.  I would like to know how many lives will be lost if he succeeds in keeping America energy dependent on opec nations.  They were lighting their water in pennsylvania 100 years ago.  Why don't you do some research before you blame it on fracking.  Oh that may take time away from his luxury living off his parents money because he doesn't know how to make a living like say landowners in pennsylvania.

This article is a few months old but the hypocrisy grows more everyday....

I wonder whether the Dakota Building (home to Yoko and spawn) is heated by Natural Gas or by Heating Oil?

If heated by "dirty" Heating Oil, will it be converting to Clean, Green Natural Gas?

Or perhaps it will be powered by beams of light emmanating from the orifices of all the Glitterati resident there.



There is an article in the huffington post about their magical bus tour. Funny thing is that Ms Ono says this has less to do with fracing and more to do with "corporate greed". What a shock the fight is for communism not the environment.
I saw a clip about this today on a local news channel. Apparently Susan Sarandon is with them as well, all of them traveling the countryside in a huge tour bus. I hope it's powered by CNG.

Was it the Partridge Family?  Did they regroup?  If Bruce Springstein and Bono hop on, along with Alic Baldwin, the world is saved!

Is Ed Asner still around?  I forgot him, oh and Tom Cruise and John Travolta to add the blessings of Scientology.

Sure it wasn't BIG FOOT?

May I suggest that those of us that are so frustrated with people of means that are of a different belief system than ourselves...that we would stop dealing with our frustration with sarcasim and short paragraphs of insults that temporarily give us a sense of relief.  I believe that most who post here are more the salt of the earth, feet on the ground

folks. We need to look for opportunities and ways of positively influencing and encouraging others to think in a more wholesome way.  We all see changes that we know are unhealthy for our nation and may even destroy the way of life we have enjoyed for so many years. The culture has and is changing.  It may seem like it was a slow change and creeped up on us because we were busy working and could not even imagine that things would go so far. We now celebrate that mothers have been able to kill their own babies for the last 40 years legally.  Those same mothers are surprised when their own children try to kill them or someone on the street.  Even if a woman never aborted her baby, but she did vote for the party that supports abortion...that abortion is on her hands...once a society decides that human life is not sacred...then all human life is expendable...and when that happens, they do not look at the tragedy of the consequenses of the law/mind set to kill babies...but they look at the must be the guns...we must now get rid of guns...killing babies is okay if you do not want the baby...if it is interferring with going to school or your career...or whatever....but now...killing with guns...we can not have killing with guns...the abortion Dr. may kill...but you may not have a gun...It is the fault of the gun.Not that I support partial birth it is the law abiding gun owner.   


Once, we had every school age child in America from shore to shore, from border to border in prayer every morning.  5 days a week.  It was the daily devotions.  Every child asked the Lord to keep evil from us...what an inexpensive security system...Lord, keep evil from us...also forgive me as I forgive others...That would resolve the "anger management problem"...forgive me as I forgive others... Keep evil from us and forgive me as I forgive others...


But we were all busy working and taking care of our families and the churches did not address social issues....and the majority of us did not pay attention while they striped prayer from the school.

How about the pledge of alligance to the Flag (American Flag).  Every school child learned to love our nation and our flag as they stood and pledged their alligance to it morning after morning.

Presently, I have been told, that in the Pittsburgh Public Schools the teachers are instructed to no longer say to pledge alligance to the Flay...they must say to salute the Flag...Each teacher is also given a message

by email each morning that must be read verbatim to their class.  No improvising.  What an opportunity for planting a mind set in every child, each day.  Are they speaking wonderful truths to these children, I think not.


Of course, the 10 Commandments is under attack also.


Now, I know we are all working very hard....busy, busy, busy...but we must not satisfy our frustration with the daily assult on our nation by just throwing out a few line of sarcasim and insulting the agressors personally.  We must, or at least, I must take the time to resist.  Resist with letters.  Snail mail letters.

Resist with phone calls, resist with my vote, speak up at the barber shop, in the grocery line....pray at the dinner table...pray while driving to work, pray outloud while driving your children here and there, pray and ask God for His wisdom, and opportunity to right these wrongs.  Pray that

our constitution stands, pray that the justices make the right decision.  Take time to instruct our children.

If the church had been on their toes, they would have been speaking to these issues for decades.

I have heard it said that during WWII, the Germans had a fear/respect for the United States main land saying "They have a gun behind every blade of grass"...and for a time, it discouraged them and other enemies from attacking our mainland. 


Jumping a little here...They are already grooming Miss "What does it matter how the 4 were killed in Bengahzi" Hillary for the first woman president of the US.  Should that happen, she will continue to push this "progressive" "forward" agenda as hard as she can to the radically change this nation. I am very concerned that their are many that would vote for her just to say they voted for the first woman pres of the US. 


As I said, you folks are the salt of the earth  and I am preaching to the choir.  However, we are not

helpless.  Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord....God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah had there just been 10 righteous found in the city...We must do what is right...speak the truth...when we pray, remind God that  our Constitution was founded on Godly principles. and be willing to encourage others to do the right thing.  Hate no one.   


Dear Fang,

I agree that venting is healthy and I did not mean that anyone should not vent here in the community of like thinkers.

My concern is something that has concerned me and  I guess I want to change in myself.

I want to find a way to speak to others, that are outside of my circle, and possibly influence them, or challenge them to think differently.  I have not been very successful.  I know there are a lot of people out there that are much smarter and more influencial than I am...I am hopeful that maybe one of them will just do one thing differently than they did today and make more headway than I am making at present.






''....and whosoever shall not receive you,nor hear your words,when you depart out of that house or city, shakeoff the dust of your feet....''   matthew 10:  14


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