A pubic informational meeting with  Robert Rea from Buckeye Mineral will be held at the Pierpont Township Firehall, January 12, 2012 at 7pm.  Firehall is on Marcy rd.

Pass the word

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John , the information meetings are just that, getting the word out about Buckeye Mineral and how they operate   get a  copy of their lease, look things over, talk to your neighbors, and see if it's right for you. Then at some point there can be sign ups. No high pressure tactics.

Get the word out.

Thanks dan,will it be like a big meeting where people go to, to sign up?
Thanks for the info and looking forward to any new meeting information. I have listened to many other group pitches and look forward to the Bob Rea meeting. If anyone can shed light on possible ALOV signings please share it. Many folks like myself (small acreage) are new to this arena and are information hungry. Other folks know it all.

My first exposure came from Wishgard and at the time I thought that they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. Reading this site and talking to others saved me from making a very big mistake.

Please keep us posted.


Hi Bill, A little background on ALOV and Bob rae can be had by typing in ALOV in the search bar within this page top right corner. I am not an ALOV spokesman but i am a member of the Trumbull county group, waiting on a deal. Alov has had four deals get done at what was at the time of each, the best terms going. The lease language is probably the best we can hope to get the O&G company to agree to, remember they are quite used to free reign over all their domain, so compromising is not their stong suit. You can write up just about anything in a lease but good luck getting the other side to go for all of it, right.

The thing slowing things and the flow of money down this far north is the lack of wells drilled thru the formation's to give data.

Buckeye Mineral is the group going from a non-profit, i believe, to a for-profit group. I personally dont agree with the practice of giving away a percentage of money, to have the representation, but hey, results speak volumes. Good Luck and Best Wishes 


Any updates on when the next Buckeye Mineral meeting will be for the Eastern Ashtabula area?

Also, any info if there will be sign ups?


Everyone ,  feel free to  to use the Eastern Ashtabula Landowners Association email address.  We will update you on the latest meeting times and dates.



I was told via phone and E-mail that the next Buckeye Mineral/ALOV meeting will be on Thursday Feb 2nd at 7pm at Pymatuning High School in Andover.

I was told there will be sign ups and to bring property verification/ownership information.

Looking forward to it as I would love to see how they work and what they have to offer compared to
the other agents I have spoke or met with since Dec/11.

Pass the word as the more acreage available for bargaining the better it will be for us landowners.
Every land owner is free to do whatever they want so this is just for general information.

I posted this on another discussion page but welcome any feedback/personal opinions.

Many landowners are excited to learn of expected bonuses and royalties they may be receiving. However, down the road when they sign leases possibly next year, many will find out that after examination by lawyers from the Oil/Gas companies that they own nothing because of old active leases or that they do not own any mineral rights or royalties. Many properties have leases going back 50+ years and are pages long of transfers, sell offs, consolidations, etc. Most homeowners/landowners are not aware of this because when they bought their property years ago they were only thinking of property to build a barn and ride horses, hunt fish etc. Oil/gas leases were the farthest things from their mind. Fast forward to the end of 2011 and now Utica shale is all they can talk about. I wish most of the landowners good luck but from listening to folks from southern/mid Ohio ,reading the Web and attending some meetings many stories are out there about homeowners who own the land but yet someone who is now laughing all the way to the bank owns the mineral rights, bonuses and/or royalties. Each scenerio is different. I have one piece of property that would take the FBI's Civil Division a month to figure out who owns what. Most of the many leases are older than the people trying to fgiure out who owns what.

Unfortuate but true in not all but some cases. This is where a good title search or good Attorney comes in. If you are an 8-5 guy and try to figure out if you own your royalties/mineral rights good luck. Too much wording for a commoner. I would rather pay for an expert for peace of mind than to wait a year only to be disappointed.

Anyone have thoughts or comments on this rationale?

Has anyone heard anything about signings in Ashtabula County (eastern portion)? The last I heard from other landowners was possibly by the end of 2012 or early 2013. I know the big companies are not in the area yet but they usually start buying early. Seems everything is quieting down now.

Can anyone shed any light on this or add info as to possible signing info?

No official signings other than the flippers that are beating the bushes hard. Wishgard had a meeting in Pierpont a few weeks back ~25 in attendance. They are not making much head way. I hear from them at least every week.

Eastern Ashtabula landowners Association is still building their numbers and looking forward for  more meetings. Patients will be needed in Ashtabula county.


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