It doesn't appear that the PA DEP is nearly as good at providing current info on well status as the OH DEP.      Can we do it ourselves?      If we start a separate discussion on each well site in the county, and anyone with new info adds it to the discussion, we can maintain status.      Who wants to start a discussion on a well site in their area?

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So at this point no real way of knowing if this is "wet gas"/dry gas or mixture correct?  Also, at the Thompson site, is that going to be a collection/gathering for all the surrounding wells to send gas to?


I have seen where Rex energy is pulling wet gas from Butler County which is East so one would think as you go west it should be okay.  Or perhaps it will take some trial and error with drilling depths etc.

Of course everyone by now hopes for some wet gas or else might see production come to a stand still after the land is HBP.  And then the gas companies may simply focus on Ohio if it's more profitable and shut other areas in.  My lease does provide that I cannot be shut in for more than 36 consecutive months which is helpful.

But then too, no where have I seen where production has to be for say a year or more.  Which means they get to 36 months, let some gas flow, pay you a dribble and shut it in again.  However, if pipelines are put in place to Thompsons that would seem to indicate they intend to produce not just shut everyone in correct. 

Thanks for any input as to wet gas and pipelines etc.


They absolutely have plans in place to build gathering lines that goto Thompson, you are correct.

There has to be wet gas available in at least one of the formations(utica,marcellus, or others) or I don't believe they would be drilling like they are. This i don't know for sure, but it only makes sense. 

I firmly believe we are all being kept somewhat in the dark as to what is being discovered as they drill. For example here in Lawrence County we have the Patterson site. 2 wells completed and 2 more under way on this pad yet nothing tapped in to the pipeline that runs right beside the site. Supposedly they are working out an agreement with pipeline co. to tap in..........? But , then again , they can't put anything but dry gas into this line.......?

My gut is telling me there is more than dry gas here but they don't want to tip their hand just yet. With the tons of cash already spent leasing and drilling thus far , I just can't believe they would not be a little anxious to see a bit of return , even @ 2.00 mcf. And I find it hard to believe that any drilling would be done near ANY pipeline without having these contracts in hand from the start. What do you think?


I just noticed on the DEP site that CHK has filed permits for  drilling into the Marcellus  on pads that already have at least one Utica drilled. There's more there than meets the eye.

That's fantastic!!

Exactly , Craig!

I signed with chk yesterday.      BV27 has almost all leases signed.      Still no decision announced about actual well site - crees or wall.      I asked the landman about future leasing in the area.     He said he will continue to lease in a 1 mile radius of planned wells only.      Not sure how successful this will be with reduced bonus and royalty effective 3/22/12.

Leasing in a 1 mile radius of planned wells kinda means they are going to be leasing everywhere they have a good presence, ie everywhere.  If you go to Mason/Dixons building on Dutchridge road  they have/had a map of our areas with planned wells everywhere you looked. : )

I wouldn't believe them for a second about reduced royalties/bonus. They may implement that for awhile, but with all the recent news, you will be leased at some time in the future. 

talked with mason dixon on friday told me lease is made for me 2200 acre 15% royalty it was changed from original discussion with him which he told me 2000 Acre and he could get me 17% royalty. he also told me i had till thursday to sign or bounus was going down to 1800 an acre. no way im going to be able to make that decision by thursday to busy with other things. i guess i will be left out, plus i dont like nor respect a company that is giving me a time line of less than a couple days, they have no well dug no production yet and i dont have a lease in hand to look over yet. this to me is bad business trying to strong arm the little guys into signing or risk losing a few hundred dollars is a bunch of crap. we all know that they are going to make a gazillon dollars off the gas under our propertys and to use tatics like this makes me uncertain if i even want to deal with them at all....  

well if this is true, that they wont add the non surface addendum then i to will not be signing with them ever, regardless of amounts for bonus and royalties. if they dont need to step foot on a small piece of property like they say then this should be a no brainer for them, add the addendum why cause a controversy over nothing.

I think I should have said 1 mile radius of IMMEDIATELY planned wells, not long range planned.  To me this means wells they plan to permit/drill this year.     With gas price nearing $2.00;  hoped for new demand years away;  lack of infrastructure restricting ability to supply any increased demand; and chk's apparent money crunch - it seems reasonable to me that they would put new leasing on the back burner for at least a couple years.    This plus the fact that there is no competition for the unsigned property should mean reduced money for the landowner.     This SHOULD change SOMETIME in the future but how far out?

lou i see you just signed, just wondering if you will dislcose what bonus and royalty were, are they the same that were offered to me and did you get the non surface addendum and what area are you in. 


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