I see where Rex has opened the permitting process for two previously Shell well pads in Butler County, PA.

The Coopers Lake Pad in Worth Township and the Caporali Pad in Clay Township.


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Interesting. Hopefully, they start moving on things.

Matt, Rex is preparing  to apply for a new well pad permit  southeast of your property, just off of Route 138.  Rex had contractors in there all of this week doing some type of soil testing. They were using a small drill.  Rex has also sent out all the water testing froms to nearby houses.  Im pretty sure they won't reach your property, because the State Game lands would block the path. Its located on the Manuel farm.  I think that is how you spell it.  My contacts  say they are planning on 4 wells from this site.  Rex is also obtaining pipeline right of ways to this location.  

RENICK 3468 3HS 1V

Rex permit going through for this one .

What do you thin the 3HS 1V stands for?


According to Oliver Perry the Shell formation codes are:

M=Marcellus, D=Utica and S=Burkett.

"1V" may have been a Shell vertical well drilled to test the Burkett shale.

Rex may be going down the old vertical and then going horizontal???

No real detail in the permit postings.


There is now a rig at the Rennick pad in Center township, you can see it from route 308.


"In the Moraine East Area, the company has completed drilling its first well, the Renick 5H. Preliminary analysis of the well data indicates that the Moraine East Area's reservoir and geological characteristics are similar to the legacy Butler Operated Area"

Appears Rex is serious about their Moraine East Area.


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