Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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Sorry Oliver but I didn't get your PM, but no I do not live on Overbrook Road.

I just read the article in the Cranberry Eagle about the Middlesex twp meeting, and boy I'm sorry I missed that. I said this to myself in the beginning that if Rex never approached the school for a lease everyone (mainly from Adams twp) would NEVER know these wells were going in until they saw that derrick up. Heck practically all of Middlesex township is leased.

I guess we'll have see what happens, but if the Rex satisfies all the requirements from the DEP for their permit application, the permit pretty much has to be approved by the DEP, which would then make a little bit harder for a twp not to approve the "use" in the twp. Plus this group that is opposing and pushing the 2 mile overlay is targetting one industry, and two if the twp takes them up on the  2 mile overlay then they will open an issue of "taking." I understand people have their opinions and it may seem like the supervisors don't care or understand their concerns but its not that simple just to stop or not approve something, or implement a new zoning or restricition.

Movin right along with the Ferree to Kennedy pipeline.  Working it from both ends it appears.

Cleared about a thousand feet of topsoil along 228 from Mekis Rd east yesterday. Laid out pipe today and sparks were flying welding it up. Digging activity at the other end along McFann. 

I was told a while back by one of the surveyors that they are going drill from the western side of rt8 under to the east side of Mekis Rd where it will "pop" out. Real curious to see that. Long way to drill and push that pipe.

Rig still up at the Feree pad, apparently drilling all six wells. From the eNotice permit apps appears that they are going to frac at least 2 of them. 



They seem to be able to go thousands of feet under the surface with those pipelines.  Whoever did the gathering lines for XTO spanned a huge distance when they went under the Connoquenessing creek.

That pipeline runs down the road from me near the well pad on the Rape farm on Brownsdale Road.  The Rape farm is in production and I thought that they would just connect to that gathering line but I see flags further down Brownsdale going toward the cryogenic plant.  Who knows what they are doing. 

Everybody keeps telling me to drive over to Hartman Road and see the Williams/Rex Bluestone plant.

Every time I drive by the Ferree pad it looks like all the pipe is hanging in the storage area.  Is there a hold up?



Hey Phil.

Don't know about a hold up of any sort. Constantly a flow of various truck traffic over there.

Do they use that big rig to frac?



Would you know where to find a map of the NGL pipeline Markwest is putting in through northern Beaver County? If you (or anyone else) would be so kind to post it to my discussion in General Discussions pertaining to the Youngstown Southern RR row purchased by Markwest , I would be ever so greatful. I believe there is a connection between the two and could be an extremely important development in the infrastructure , possibly in anticipation of Shell's cracker,IMO. Thanks for all you post and please know it is greatly appreciated!


The big rig will leave and a coil-tubing rig will come in.  This will allow them to push and pull things all the way to the end of the well.  The first perforating shot must be set with this rig.  Once there are some holes at the end of the well, the perforating and plugging can be done with water pressure to push things out and a simple cable line to bring things back.

The fracking setup looks like this.


15 V12 diesel pumping trucks!!!


Thanks for the pics Phil !!!

I will have to take a closer look at what is there now,

Might just take a walk in the woods and look in the back door!  LOL


Thanks for the kind words.  I appreciate your posts as well.

The pipeline could be the ethane pipeline from the MarkWest Bluestone Plant shown here:

This slide implies that purity ethane can be produced at the MW Bluestone plant on Hartman Road, Jackson Township, PA. 

For now, this pipeline is going to Mariner West but it sure could go the cracker plant in the future as Mariner West goes right by the cracker (proposed) location.


Not Middlesex but close enough.

Small fire at Rex Lynn Pad. Nothing major but...

Not good.


I can see how there could be a leak but what ignites the leak? 


Good question Phil.

Likely an electrical spark of some sort, but I would think the equipment would be designed to avoid that, Tanks should be well grounded,,,static should not be a problem.  Hmmm...


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