Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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Where is the duct tape??  My head is about to explode!!

Hmmmm...  is right.  Are they kidding?? 


I talked with Rex.  Stated they definitely have plans for the area, as it is a focus for them.  Said they need more leases. Added this comment above. So.....


Could you clarify what you are asking/saying?  The road to the Powell pad has already been cut in.


I was responding to a question I asked a little while back, if any new leases had been signed, Overbrook Road vicinity.  FMV responded that he thought REX had their hands full presently.  I called Rex, he said they had plans for the area, strategies to implement, but they still needed more leases to proceed.

Where is Powell pad? I am bit out of the loop.

Found the Powell


There are 4 well pads in Middlesex Township, Ferree, Reno and two Kenedy pads all Rex.  To the east in Clinton Township are two Penn Energy West pads off Deer Creek Road and the XTO Quinn on  rt228.

If you search the Butler County GIS maps in your area and combine that with a search of the Butler County Recorder of deeds you can see who is being leased in your area.


Hey Phil,

Sorry I did not come through with the Powell plats but I just have not caught up w/the guy that had em. But if it has been permitted I am sure you know where to get em! lol


No problem.  I realized later that my friend would have been given the preliminary plats due to her proximity to the well pad.



Hi RB,

I do still believe that Rex has a handful right now. Your area is definitely in play IMHO.

Rex's response to you somewhat confirms my thoughts on their next moves.

As I mentioned earlier, H&H has flipped some leases in that area, Rex prolly needs a few more but may not be in a big hurry. They have quite a bit to digest right now.

I believe the pipeline from Reno all the way to BlueStone 2 is complete. If not, really close.. That will put quite a few wells into market. Rumors I have heard have the right of way for a pipeline from Powell to Kennedy already in place.

Geyer will be the next one I am guessing (of course Powell is already moving) The DEP does not have much more reasonj to delay much longer..Piping Geyer to Kennedy or there abouts aint all that far.

My guess is your area is sooner than later in Rex's " strategies to implement".



Lease transfers do seem to fit. Not sure where Geyer is. Hope you're right on sooner than later.

Geyer is just off Denny Rd  right on the Adams /middlesex line.

Oh! Close. Very close. Thanks. 

It appears they are done fracking at the Ferree pad. The convoys of water trucks have stopped and they hauled out a bunch of equipment.

Does appear they may be drilling the vertical for the last well. Small rig, looks like to me.

They are bringing in a lot of big tanks. Don't know what that means.

Lot of condensate, wet gas????



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