Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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I saw the pumper trucks leaving earlier in the week.  I think they came over here to Hixon's as they have begun fracking the new wells (second set) there.

I'd guess that the tanks on the Ferree are mostly for the returning frack water.  Wells in Forward, Penn and Jefferson townships do not have much condensate.  Ferree in Middlesex is even closer to the dry line than those townships.  Quinn, right down the road, is a dry Marcellus well.

I can't figure out the rig that is there right now.  Why spud a new well now?

Talk to you later,



On second look, I may be wrong on the amount of tanks, just seemed like a bunch. Maybe Sunday I will put on the boots and walk the pipeline and get a better look. The exercise will not hurt me a bit! lol

  Why spud a new well now?    Good question.

I was very curious as to why they drilled 5 of the 6 they had permitted. Only needed maybe 2 to hold the leases. 

2 of them are Burkett and as I recall the spacing tightened up a bit. If my memory serves me correctly  it was you that used that fascinating word "interdigitated" lol  Love it!

Therefore, my speculation is that they saw something they like with the first five to make it worth it to bring back the big rig to horizontal.

Am I correct that after fracking , typically they let them sit and settle for a bit?



It is too early to see something they like?

inter - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious -digitated LOL!

It is nice to talk to you here again.



It is too early to see something they like?

Don't really know Phil....but just look at the lets say the Reno to Bluestone line.

Quite aggressive IMHO. In addition to the existing pads/wells ---Geyer/Powell seem to be on the "fast" track.

Lotta gas on the way to market very shortly.


Hey Phil,

Finally did put the boots on and took a walk along the pipeline to the pad.

There are 10 large green tanks neatly lined up two by two on the pad. There are two 20-30ft high 

pipes connected to them. They look like pressure relief type towers to perhaps flare any excess.

By the way my daughter tell me they did flare for about 24 hrs. (I did not see it, was fishing at OBX)

Got a picture somewhere. if I find it ,will post.

Might be for returning frac water but the large retaining pond is still there.


I'm pretty familiar with the XTO setups, not so much so with the Rex setups.

The towers may be there to burn off small amounts of gas that accumulate in the water and condensate storage tanks.  I heard something about that being a new requirement.

A picture would be good.

The storage pond will remain just like the one here (partially on my property) at the Marburger B as XTO and Rex will return to drill more wells.  I think that the fracking pond can be there for 5 years.

The fracking pond is fresh water supply only.

Talk to you later,



Spudding a new well(s) immediately after all the big equipment comes and goes just seems unusual.  I'm sure Rex will drill more wells at all of their locations just seems odd to do another one at Ferree right now.  Perhaps the rig has another purpose?

Resting a new well following fracking was "in" a couple of years ago.  Today??

Rex has started building the Powell pad off Brownsdale Road in Penn Township.

Talk to you later,


Or maybe getting good results, eh?  No better time than the present.

Amendments to Middelsex zoning .... which I believe has passed and is now in effect.

Seems fair enough, although I might like to see it a bit tighter on compressor stations, 



Thanks for posting that.


It passed and is in effect.  I was at the meeting.  I agree with you on the compressor stations.  Are you aware that the anti-frackers are back to demanding a 2-mile overlay away from schools and are having a fit about the Middlesex Twp. Zoning Ordinance.  There is some talk of suing because they say they are are being denied their constitutional right to clean air and water.  They are trying to stack the township supervisor boards with their people.  The Geyer well still hasn't been through the permitting process yet - it seems to be on hold.  I am afraid we may never see more drilling in southern Middlesex and Adams Townships.  Lease holders in these areas need to get organized or we are going to be steam rolled by these people.

Hi Jane,

Sorta strange...they want to add two supv in Middlsex and reduce two in Adams. lol

Don't know if the got enough votes to do that yet...but ya never know.

The 2 mile overlay is ridiculous. Possibly an extra thousand near a school would be reasonable.  2 mile overlay will never pass... I am betting 75% of the Twp is leased already so I don't think they will get the votes there.

I do not think they can stop the Geyer pad. If everything is in order the DEP has no cause to deny the permit.That pad is like 4,500 ft away from the school. They may just be letting a longer public comment period go by. 

I have not read every single line in the ordinance but it looked pretty fair to me.



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