Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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If you are a landowner in the Mars School District that supports marcellus shale, please consider going to the School Board meeting this Tuesday,11th @ 7:00.

Read more: 

Jane I knew about the challenge to the zoning change (I posted the above 10/10) but really did not think it had much merit. Had not heard anything about an injunction or activity stopping at tyhe well/

I still do not think it has much merit. The new zoning ordinance looked pretty fair to me. Zoning ordinances are changed all the time.  An injunction would be a bit troublesome though.  

Is this about the school restrictions or is it now about restricting the whole township?

They say it is about school restrictions but if you follow them on websites and pronouncements they make, it is about the whole township and a mortorium on fracking in PA.  They have stated they want PA to be like NY.  IMHO, if they get a 2 mile overlay, they will then want a 5 mile overlay.  If they get a 5 mile overlay, they will then want a 20 mile overlay, etc. etc.

well I say if they want no drilling they need to move to an area that already has it and leave my property rights alone.   as soon as they can get a replacement for my second job keeping my property rights will replace it.

You bring up a good point, Denise.  Seems to me that a select group can't just tell a landowner what they can or cannot do long after it was purchased.  That just doesn't seem right. Is this in reality a jealousy move.  Do these people own little parcels of land for which they would benefit next to nothing if they had the opportunity to lease?

May I reply to this.  They mostly live in High density development, Weatherburn, or in the case of some they bought a one acre lot surrounded by farm land and are upset that the Farmers signed drill leases.  In our case, neighbors that signed a drill lease are now big anti-frackers.  The attorney, who fought the Act 13, Jordan Yeager from Philadelphia, has been hired by the local anti-frackers to sue Middlesex Township.  These people are funded by Delaware River Keeper, and the Clean Air Council.  The Clean Air Council is supported by the Energy Foundation from Chicago, San Francisco, and Raleigh, NC, which is funded by the Sea Change foundation, etc. etc.  none of whom are from Western PA.  The Heinz Family Foundation from Pittsburgh is helping the Clean Air Council with money to file and fight the lawsuit against Middlesex Twp.  They intend to use little Middlesex Twp. as a precedent setting lawsuit to stop drilling in PA.  If the ordinance is upheld by Middlesex Twp., they plan to appeal & appeal and keep it tied up in litigation.  In addition, the local anti-frackers are having a film made about their "plight" by a Hollywood producer who is using the state film tax credit to fund the filming. 

I really resent these wealthy people from the east, Pittsburgh and relative newcomers to the area, telling us how we can use our land.  If they prevail, say goodbye to drilling in PA and to your landrights.  In the meantime, Rex has declared Force Majeure for the Geyer well and this could go on for some time. 

This is outrageous.  They have no right.  I am calling REX tomorrow to see what I can find out.  Quite obviously this is not just about the water and Mars Middle school. That is quite a hook up on backing their supposed cause.  Someone has gone fanatical.  They need to be stopped. I can't attend any meetings because I am out of town.  I will look into any connections I may have.

Where do you think the PA attorney general stands on this?

I was looking over some information from those protesters.  I can't imagine them getting very far.  There is too much at stake for the township to let them bowl things over. 

I will post any information I learn from REX.


Good luck with your call, but I doubt you'll get anymore information than what was in the force majeure letter from Rex as this has turned into a legal battle. I would suggest that anyone who is for the Geyer well pad or drilling in general should show up and support Middlesex Township at the hearing.

Unfortunately Jane you are correct they will  " appeal & appeal and keep it tied up in litigation." 

I certainly am not a lawyer (nor do I play one on TV) but my read of the new ordinance seemed pretty fair to me .I do have some reservations about compressor stations and processing plants. But I believe that most all of it is covered by "conditional use". So none of this is a "done deal". If I am correct a variance would be necessary. They will prolly try to muck it up with the compressors ect.. 

Pa has always really been two states East and West. East coast has generally ruled with some pro-forma crumbs coming over the mountain.

I resent ."hate" (maybe a bit strong but..) the East Coast mind set worse than you do.

I do not believe they have a case to set a precedent.for the state but they prolly can hold up the Geyer well for a while. 


ps: If you don't mind Jane , friend me and I would like to send you an e-mail. Thanks

I have friended you.  Forgot to send you my email address.  As soon as you acknowledge it, I can send it to you.  I just can't keep quiet anymore hoping for the best because I believe now unless we get involved we are going to get run over by these zealots.  The Geyers have been taking a lot of abuse with little help from others.



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