new to site. belive well has been drilled tubed but not feaced yet.i live appox. 15 miles from site,venango county cranberry township. have100 acre farm leased to range resources,10 dollars acre 12.5% one year left on lease. would like to renew for better deal.i know seneca resources is drilling in redbrush forest well drilled (vertical only ) currently building location for 2nd well site (horizontal ) atlas has one marcellus well in production (vertical only ) on take it easy rd leeper clarion co.

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keep us posted on how things are progressing, thanks for the info.
Dozers on site don't know why. They have drained the pond they must be hauling the pond water out for treatment. Tankers in and out all day and night long. The 3" water line from Shippenville is finished.
EQT needs more room for trucks when doing well frac. going to back fill pond for room. had to mix pond water(red water) with shippenvilles not know when they will frac.
As of tonight 40 or more tanks on site. Pumping water 24/7. Four Haliburton sand trucks just came in today.
did some work on exotic meter site in pine city, sales point to nfg. heard they will be transporting EQT gas. looks like EQT is a few weeks away from fracing. looks like a big frac job.
I heard they were going to begin fracking on May 3.
ALL the tanks are full. They installed a new well head yesterday. Everything is set up lights, a bunch of 6" pumps water lines etc. And the pond is full. Saw them blowing the sand tanks full last week. No activity yesterday afternoon.
does halliburton have any hoursepower on site yet? how many sand trucks? atlas/willams has been back in the lucinda area making lease offers of 1500 per acre. seneca has started to drill a second well in redbrush forest co. (horizontal) seneca has been making lease offers in coal hill area venango co.
Halliburton is on site a crane a bunch of trucks. My guess is that fracking will start Wed or Thurs. Saw them filling the last sand truck tonight 4 total. They have a bunk house with a potable water tank and several gen sets plus lights everywhere, Met the crew van coming out about 3:00
Definately fracking today. Just went by all hooked up. lots of activity and more equipment arriving.
Anybody get any pics they can post?
would like to know if they go on flare test


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