I know of a very wealthy & smart local Greene Co. man that recently sold a portion of his mineral rights.Question is, how much did he sell them for? I'm certain he didnt get taken,how much did he get? Or does anyone know what the Best price would be? HELP Please  

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I hear of companies buying mineral rights,I've been told they are advertising in the O.R. As of yet I've got no offers,not going to take just any offer,not in that big of a rush to sell.Has anybody out there heard of the going price this week? A response would be good.Thanks

 Sorry I did get the one fromGriffith Land Services,Inc.But from what I understand they buy yours & turn around & sell it to the highest bidder,no thank you.

Hi Cynthia.  Are you still trying to sell your O & G rights?

Cynthia,   I'm a little late in responding to your message. The smart individual was the one who bought the minerals.

I responded on this topic to a person who needed help due to money issues in Susquehanna County PA. If you go to that counties discussion group you will see a response from me on ways to solve a money issue. You can also search my name (Ron Hale) for the advice as well as other topics I have commented on.

When the gas starts flowing again, your minerals will be worth more per month than what is paid by a minerals buyer. Keep your mineral rights. 

You can search on my name (Ron Hale) to find my advice on this topic.  Good Luck.

I have mineral rights in Jackson Township in Greene county pa. There are two wells that have been drilled and our rights are in the middle. We signed two leases with Rice. In the deed it says the rights are reserved for the coal veins. The wells are producing , and once the leases are cleared they will continue into our minerals. As I said, the coal is reserved but they have already drilled and they are producing. I have heard that the coal companies are getting involved with the Natural gas Marcellus. Don't know if this has helped.


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