Well ( pun intended )they are working on installing the rest of the rig and there set to drill away, so says one of the workers on the pad...

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We have had trucks with drilling equipment rolling south on Rt 285 from Rt 22 the past few days . Wonder where they were going ? Where is this well located ?

This is located on Putney Ridge about 2 miles west of 513. 

Evan. Do you have a copy of the unit plat? Thanks

No not yet. Waiting on ODNR to update

Thanks for posting map ..

Evan; what's the latest on the Fritz well?  Do you think they will stay & drill all 4 laterals. I see where one lateral is named 7H. Does that mean there will be 7 wells?   Thx

Well Bo they are drilling away,, making my turkey hunting challenging because of the noise but I do like when they blow their air horn makes Turkey's gobble.  Anyway I'm sure you know the companies drilling north use odd numbers for their wells and even going south. They told me they are going to drill all four right now. I suppose they will come back someday and go south unless they drill right up to where these laterals start. Like they did with the Hayes ,Pora wells. 

I noticed driving by the Fritz well that the driller is NOMAC. This is the driller that AEP has drilling the Daddy Shugert well. Is Eclipse in cahoots with Antero on this well? Will they be drilling all 4 laterals?  I noticed Antero stuff all over the permit pages.Thought Antero had their own rigs? No biggie ,,just curious.Also noticed a new pad by Eclispe down the road about 1/2 mile on RoseHill rd. Awful close to the Fritz.?Must be some acreage between they don't have?

I know AEU is dealing with chk on some of their rigs. Not sure how nomac rig is on the Fritz pad , must be involved like AEU. The pad on rose hill is the Hayes pad. Not sure who has the acreage inbetween. Eclipse said they are drilling all four at once from the Fritz. Antero does have some acreage in this area. Just south of McClain pad is two parcels that is antero , not sure what's south of the Fritz

Thx, Evan. Thatarea below the Fritz has numerous property owners. probably sold off in 5 acre plots by Detweiler,or Buckey. Don't know who has leased it all. Evidently,not Eclispe.

Antero is joint venturing on some of the Eclipse wells......and I believe they are drilling some of them also.


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