Ok guys we now have the old site back ,  Lets get some news on Londonderry Twp.. Thanks!!!

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Is there nothing new to report or anything going on?

Ascent just pulled a permit for Londonderry twp. 09/05/17  Gil nw Lnd.GR 1h. don't know the location, maybe someone in the know can speak up?

Bad news for people who have 
"at the wellhead" language in their lease.


Thanks for the information.  I know there is activity on the Gil pad and pipeline work being done.

Ascent just pulled a 4th permit for that pad. Calling it the black river w lnd gr 9h well. ap#34059245110000

There's a rig up on Carrizo's Wagler pad on Hoop ln. Off Titus rd. It is Ascent. they acquired Carrizo's assets in Guernsey county. Very near Londonderry.

Any news as to what is going on at the Gil Pad?  Haven't heard anything for a while.  Thanks!

Thank you for the information,  Wonder when they will frack and produce it?

See the ODNR site now shows all 5 of the wells drilled from the Gil pad listed as well drilled now.  What else is going on in Londonderry Township?

Not quite Londonderry,but Ascent is building the Miller farms well pad now on Sugartree Rd. almost up to Sligo rd.East of Birmingham,north of Antrim.No info on it yet on ODNR's well viewer

Ascent just pulled 4 more well permits for the Red Hill Farms pad on Rt.22 just east of Antrim. Madison and Londonderry twps. all 4 going SSE. They already have wells there going NNW.    Also,they got 3 more permits for the Morovoritz pad on Frankfort Rd. south of Rt.265 near Salesville. Price of OIL going up!


Hey guy!

Are any of the permit locations you speak of anywhere near mine ((north of Rt. 22, west of Skullfork Rd. section 21)

Sounds like things might be picking up??

Heard from Purple Land people, a couple of weeks ago, that they wanted to buy my mineral rights.

Is that maybe a sign there will be drilling soon?

Was told by Colleen, County Recorder, when I signed the lease and recorded it, in 2011, that my minerals were in the "sweet spot".

But still waiting for someone to start drilling! LOL

Thanks for your thoughts Bo.

nc man


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