Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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David Allen Lilly, If you friend me, I will tell you about my 1st and only meeting with Mr Strongoski.  Lets just say it involved pulling out my .40 cal , pointing it at his chest, and expecting to pull the trigger. Only time I have ever pulled a gun on anyone.  Hope it is my last. 

PS, I would suggest to all reading that you do not roll up to someone you have never met in July( no hunting season), pull your van to the wrong side of the road, get out of your van, slide open your side door, reach in that door and proceed to make the unmistakeable sound of chambering a shotgun.  It has a tendency to make people on a lonely road, no neighbors within sight, parked at their own property a bit nervous.

Wow. Which property is his,  wanna make sure I stay clear.  Mcburney rd?  

Evan, I have heard it called  the Putney palace, it is out the road from me, on the left, with a cable across the drive. Someone framed a house on a pit, I have been told it was the un-official dump for years.

I looked at it when it was for sale but feared the foundation was not close to what it should be.

Like I said, he used to come around some, I helped him with some things. A lot of the absentee landowners have my phone number and I theirs, and they stop to talk and get information about things I see here while they are gone.

But, I agree with you, he was not smart in doing that. I know he was very frustrated by the break ins at his cabin.

Maybe the local theif will abandon the smash and grabs if and when he starts receiving royalties, heh.

He was recently placed into a unit, but only about one acre.

He would steal for the fun of it, if he isn't in jail for something else.

He got popped up North a few months ago.

It looks like there has been no activity on the McClain this week. They had two cranes down there and what appeared to be a very small vertical rig, but I believe it is all gone.

I have been gone for two days though, maybe something has happened during my absence.

By the way, Antero has been telling me that they have zero awareness of anything in regards to my lease with them as it pertains to the McClain well, even though we know that is just stupid.

I called Chesapeake about it, they called back yesterday but we missed each other. I am anxious for a conversation with them today about the acreage we have in the unit, information which Antero is loathe to give up for some stupid reason.

I will keep you posted, not that it matters to you the acreage, but I will find it amusing (not ha-ha amusing) if Chesapeake gives it to me and my leasing company wont.

I can't believe antero doesn't know. Someone there does I'm sure. I think their done getting Mcclain pad ready for the big rig. I think that will be what arrives next.

FYI FRITZ unit members:  I just talked with the lady in charge of getting the division orders out to all of the landowners.  She is working on it right now and hopes to have them out before month end.


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