Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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Neighbor just said that everything's fine.

I seen the black smoke, and seen a fire engine truck heading towards Salesville out Rt. 265. Was it at a well site,or at the compressor station?

It was the Eclipse gathering facility on Grapehollow.

Yep, scared me. I was coming home from picking up my grandaughter up. Then tried to come up grape hollow, and they stopped me,telling me I couldn't go up the road. So, I went clear around. 

There seemed to be quite a long delay between the explosion and the arrival of rescue workers. I don't know how no one was hurt, the explosion was very loud and the flames looked to be very intense. I went up there within 7 or 8 minutes of the explosion and thee was an Eclipse guy on his cell phone who told me everyone was okay but I didn't see anyone else around. I hope that there was truly no one hurt there, it looked and sounded very bad.

This morning is the first time I have noticed what I believe to be the noise created by the fracking of the Purple Hayes well, I am wondering if that could be verified by anyone.

The HD McClain pad seems to be moving towards completion although the pipeline work to connect it to the Oxford road lines has barely begun, at least on my side of 513 as of earlier this week.

I met one of the guys on the site, KT, who is a great guy, very smart. I learned from him that the pipeline is scheduled to be in service in June. I kind of doubt they will get it done that quickly but I could very well be wrong.

I am in no hurry, n fact I would prefer that they wait a year as I believe prices will yo-yo but generally stick to a more upward pricing movement. I would much rather wait for $60 a barrel oil and a higher anticipated natural gas price. Unfortunately we are at the mercy of the producer and they don't consider our wishes, nor should they. If anyone has good information contrary to my observations I am eager to see it, we are all in this together.

Yes David it is very loud! Had the Windows open and could really hear it. Just glad that the vibrations have stopped!! 

I noticed on ODNR county engineers report, a permit to revise the Purple Hayes unit. does anyone know anything about this? thanks in advance.

Can you link me to whatever you saw ?

No link wouldn't work The permit was dated 3-7-2016 on county engineers for guernsey county.

They requested a reduction in the setback from 500 feet to no less that 350 feet to the unit boundary.  Also submitted an outline of their existing and planned wells showing the Scott B 5H running NE and parallel to Purple Hayes  and Yost B 6H running SW parallel to Purple Hayes.  The two wells put together run the entire distance of the Purple Hayes with the Scott well already being drilled and Yost listed as planned.

Trying to upload schematic.  No luck so far.



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