Updated November 8, 2011

This webpage is a little over a year old. During this time frame oil and gas leasing
offers have increased significantly.

As of November 8, 2011 the signing bonus has increased to $5350-$5800 with the royalty percentage at 20 % gross. Leases are being signed by several companies. The best lease terms are being realized by the landowner groups that offer their acreage through a competitive bidding process. I personally believe the money offers will continue to increase with time. The highest offers occur when landowners pool their land into contiguous units.

Presumably, all are aware that Chesapeake recently leveraged 25% of their leaseholds in

Eastern Ohio for $15,000 per acre by forming a JV with an undisclosed oil major.

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Not that I have heard of, we are in the process of negotiating with Chesapeake, but nothing is done until the deal is signed.


Thanks, does anyone have any more info on the Buell well? I heard they are producing between 15 and 20 million cubic feet of gas per day. I was also told the well is producing wet gas and is looking promising on oil.
no more info on production,but i did confirm it is the buell well via odnr!! good news for harrison co

Hey Al, thanks for the info.  Can you please give us the number for the ALOV again.  It is missing a number.


The ALOV number is 330-337-3100 and they are taking applications if you have an acre or more.

Al.....I thought the ALOV  groups all were signed up?


Is this a new group...and are there any county restrictions on who can join?

ALOV is compiling a list of landowners for a possible additional lease package; there is no certainty that additional leases will be signed, however. There is a sister group (SURE) operationg from Carrollton for Carroll County landowners only; their number is:  330-627-4343.

Hello landowners,

We had a good kickoff meeting for Phase 2 back on May 7th. This initiative greatly depends upon everyone spreading the word to your friends and neighbors. Recent developments:


  • I have been in touch with the leadership of other landowner groups, and had some fruitful conversations. Sharing information among landowner groups is very important to our negotiation efforts. If anyone or any group has a landman telling them to keep their offer a secret, that should be a warning sign. In many cases they say that because they don’t want you to realize how much better of a deal you could be getting somewhere else. I encourage any landowner groups who have not contacted me to do so. Whether we combine forces or just share information, it is still more beneficial than working alone.


  • Remember that a “better deal” is not just referring to the dollar amount of the signing bonus and the royalty. The lease document itself is just as important, and should be scrutinized carefully.


  • Even at this early stage of assembling our acreage, I have been approached by a gas company interested in working with us, and am aware of another company that is interested as well. I will have more information on that at the next meeting.



  • Recent problems with Chesapeake wells in Pennsylvania emphasize the need for royalty owners to join together in their own regions to make sure that not only that drillers are being held accountable for mistakes, but that these kinds of damages never happen in the first place. HCOLG plans to be an advocate for landowners as gas production Any of you who are now already leased but have never joined HCOLG should consider doing so for that reason. The sign-up sheet has now been updated to include those who want to joing HCOLG as royalty owners, and can be accessed by clicking here.


  • The second horizontal well has been permitted in the county by Chesapeake. More information on that and when more permits are coming will be discussed at the meeting.


Here’s the details on the next meeting, happening this Saturday.


PUBLIC MEETING. Come learn about the latest with HCOLG! We're having another informational meeting to explain the landowners group and talk about the current status of leasing in Ohio. This will be the kick-off meeting for our Phase 2 group. We will also be discussing how we can network together as lease-holders as we move into the gas production phase. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and landowners can join our group. If you have any questions contact Dan at dellis@hcolg.org. Spread the word.


PLACE: Cadiz, Ohio, St. Teresa Activity Center, 143 E. South St.

DATE: Saturday, May 21, 2011

TIME: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


-Dan Ellis



Harrison County Ohio Landowners Group

"by landowners, for landowners"



(866) 931-4197


The information that I sent to you on chk and their permit in Columbiana County,

it came from one of my trade publications. But, now I see it is in 5/24/11 issue

of The Intelligencer.

I am reading of offers in Carroll County for $3200 an acre?  I haven't heard much about the other test well being drilled up there, my guess is its doing pretty good.  It is way to early yet to be signing anything, the offers have more than tripled in the last year.  What you think is going to happen next.  Everyone needs to be patient and begin to understand the lease language and protect your ground. 

Way to go.......Josh, right again. Thanks, its good to hear others finally confirming

the truth, I just hope others hear what you are saying out loud!



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