There is a new well rig going up in Harrison county at the corner of Fair Rd and Scott Hill Rd.

They just finished laying the gravel May 16th.


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Robert, My guess is that some, or all of your property will be included in the drilling unit. The amount included will depend on location and the degree of protection in your lease by virtue of Pugh clauses. Again, it's only an informed guess but the drilling unit will be at least 640 acres, and possibly up to 1280 (the Wagner #1 well is in a 1277 acre drilling unit. The larger the drilling unit, the more acreage they can hold-by-production. Keep in mind that the first lateral drilled off the pad will go NW or SE, depending on their leased acreage. Best of luck and keep us posted.


Thanks for the info Randy.I think Iam northwest of the Ryser site so the surveyor ribbons on our land may be related to the driling..

On another matter.I went by the site in Rt 22 towards Salt Fork and the drilling rig has been removed.


Update on the Ryser well.Today, truck after truck was bringing in the rig structure.Plenty of activity on site when I drove by.

Robert, do you know if this is the rig from the boy scout well?


My guess is it is since they are bringing all the equipment from that direction.The trucks are coming

up 799 from the direction of the lake and turning left on my road to Rysers.  

All, over on the Guernsey  page they state that the Gulfport Groh drill rig is also gone. If anyone knows, it would be nice to know if that rig went to the BK Stephens well off of Tyson Rd. If it doesn't show there, it may be headed to Belmont County.


Robert, Is the rig up? Are they drilling yet?


The rig is up and there is activity.Not sure if they are drilling.i read that there are 2 wells there.

Randy,I can hear them drilling now at the Ryser site.I drove by and it appreas to be in full operation.
Randy,I can hear them drilling now at the Ryser site.I drove by and it appreas to be in full operation.

Robert, Good info. As soon as they finish the vertical well and get their cores, they will apply for the horizontal permit, and that's when we should see the drilling unit. Good luck. Have they talked to any neighbors about the location of the gathering pipelines?


FYI..I have a friend that owns approx 60 acres near Salt Fork.He signed a perliminary agreement for 5000 an acre from Shell.He got a letter before the 90 days expired and learned that Shell cancelled the offer.What a let down.



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