scranton sunday times article for June 4 2-10 re Wyoming Co. unleased land.

what a breath of fresh air for the rest of us in Wyoming Co.with unleased property or rights!  Hope the enthusiasm of the article whooping up the "fierce competition for unleased land" translates into real action for those of us who missed the WCG in 2008.  I was discouraged after reading the negative "Deep Impact" series.  Who's phone will ring first?!

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The Scranton Times has done a few interesting pieces about the G&O industry the past 6 months. It is worth checking it out.
My phone certainly hasnt... I was in contact with a landman from Chesapeake and he claimed to have a lease on the way for me. Then he fell off the face of the earth and wont return my calls. Its been a month and all of the surrounding land has been leased with them. However, not having a lease isnt that bad either if deals improve later on. Im not in a big hurry, but some cash would give me an opportunity to consider more land. There still is property around for sale....


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