Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any specific information about Antero's plans to drill in the Noble County area? I overheard a conversation at the bank recently that they are planning several wells this year down the Route 564 area.

Antero bought 70% of the interest in our lease from Eclipse. I'm thinking of calling them to find out.

What do they do when they decide to drill? Do they call you or just show up?


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Very interesting info
Have you heard any thing
about more wells on SR564?
Consol has a well sign with truck routes marked outside fulda.

I called the number listed for Antero in Caldwell. They answered with a different business name so I said I was calling the number listed for Antero. She said that was the right number, that they work with Antero. Basically, we can't call Antero directly. She said we would receive a letter before they start, and that presently they were working on trying to get drilling units together down 564. She couldn't tell me whether or not we were in or not at this time.

I copyed this off new disscusion on the main page!

Noble County is one of three counties that just surpassed the 100 permit mark this month. Noble has 108 Utica permits, 59 wells developed 34 producing Utica wells in the county. The majority of the permits held in this county are by CONSOL and Antero Resources. By having high producing wells in both the wet and dry gas region of the Utica, this county will remain a strong focus for operators in the region.

They will need a permit before they do anything on the ground. Check http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/well-information/oil-gas-well-database and search Permit and Plug for County = Noble and Operator = Antero or Operator = Eclipse  You will get a Map link to each location a permit has been issued.

4 new wells on 564

Where on SR564 are the new wells going in? Are they getting any closer to SR145?



You can also check out the Antero website as they put out a monthly report, more for investors, but it shows their drilling locations in both Utica and Marcellus. The presentation shows their past, current and future drilling plans.

Does anyone know what is going on on St. John's Road, Beaver Twp - across from the Mahoney Unit?


Does anyone have any intel on the pad that is on Schultz's on Sycamore Road - Beaver Twp?

Last I heard was electrical work still needed to be done but no specifics on when it may be operational.

Thanks, Scott.  Keep us posted as you hear!


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