I am interested in talking with people from Columbiana County who are trying to negotiate a lease. I am currently trying but I am a small parcel (1.5 acres). My water was tested and they said a well is to be drilled within 3000' of my property. Need help in this matter.



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Dale there is an attorney in Lisbon who has submitted smaller lots like yours.  Some get kicked back while others get signed.

Kathlen, are you talking about Attorney Ward? We (a group of local neighbors who have had water tested by GES) had him submit or group (approx. 30 acres - 1 to 2.5 acres each ) with a submission that he submitted. Our group of small parcels were rejected.

The Ohio Forum is a "no promo" forum.  Discussions of "for-profit" businesses (ie lawyers) are not allowed here, in the Ohio forum. Use a county forum like "Columbiana".

HI Dale,

I tried to reply to you privately to answer that question but I couldn't get your page up on my phone.  I"ll try again.

Look at this site it shows the township, the driller and type of well.  http://www.ohiodnr.com/oil/shale/tabid/23174/Default.aspx

There is better info out there that I've seen off of this site that shows exactly the acreage that is included in a unit.  The one I saw was I'm pretty sure the one near Trinity church road, hanoverton, ohio.  If you know the area and see one of these unit drawings you will know what neighors are in or out its so detailed.  I thought these unit drawings were on the ohio DNR site but I don't see it as of yet.  If I find where you can find it since at some point the driller has to provide this info I will reply again here with the link.

One idea I have is you know they name a well and you can google that wells name and you may find that info that way. 

I'm assuming you tried ALOV (as far as I know they are not for profit :0) ) to enclude your land.

I would think to go around you would be awful for the driller.  I read they have to stay 500 ft using GPS on the bore head (maybe wrong word) from any property not leased and that would make a lot of their leased land unusable due to your 1.5 acres. I do not think they would force you in but if they did the law states they had to have offered you a fair offer you turned down and present that offer to the judge to show you were being hard headed and hurting your neighbors.  Keep trying.

Had a little revelation about your issue this morning.   Do you get your water from the  well owned by the city of Columbiana located off Camelot Dr perhaps?    I know the Ward well is within 3000' feet of that well.   I would imagine CHK is obliged to test all the residents who utilize that well.   Just pure speculation here but guessing while the well may be going in within 3000' feet of your water supply,  your property itself may not be that close and perhaps not in the proposed unit now or in the future.   In other words, they may not have any need to lease your property whatsoever, just test your water.    Based on this well's location I would expect them to build their units minimally to the N/NW and concentrate on the other directions.  


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