I see there is some interest in parts of Guernsey Count particulary the north eastern portion.  Can anyone elaborate on this?  Possibley we even need a Guernsey Co. group.  Thanks!

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Bob I just received cofermation that Gulfport has accepted leases in Guernsey County this should include your acreage It was a pleasure working with you. thanks Michael J Belaj Cambridge Ohio
Mike I'm new to this group. We have had several offers over the last 4 months, and quite frankly I hadn't paid much attention to them. We are in western Guernsey county close to New Concord. We have had offers of $500/acre and $1650/acre in the last two days. How do you know the right offer to take? The cheaper one says they will drill within a year. How do you get security, without blowing the opportunity for a good lease.
Hi Jon I looked at your acreage on the map and for you to be in a better position you will need to group up with some of your neighbors to the north south and west the Utica play needs to be drilled horizontal you do not want a vertical well drilled the 500.00 offer is for a vertical well my guess. Thanks Mike

Went to the meeting sponsored by Wishgard today at Old Washington. Offered $1600 per acre.  Lease is more landowner friendly. Still need to tweak the addendums to suit each landowners needs. Long lines for signing on the dotted line. Indicated they represent Gulfport Energy. WishGard gets $116. per for sign up as commision.

Lots of individuals leased today from the local community.

Presenter indicated that most of the land in the area with the resourses have already been leased by brokers and that leasing is peaked out. Leads one to wonder regarding waiting for another few months to lease.

Any thoughts about this?

Sold out too cheap, that's what seems to happen over and over again, when you believe what landmen tell you, just to get your interest leased. We are a long way out, at least a year before any leasing winds down in your area. For those of you who haven't yet signed, don't, wait until after the first of the year. That is, if another thosand a acre would make a difference and 17.5-18% royalty. Or not,  let the middlemen take that $$ for themselves, afterall they really need it more than you, right?

President Reagan always said "Trust but Verify" and it is a good rule to use when dealing with people who do not have YOUR best interest at heart. Do the research and verify for yourself what they are telling you and you will often find that they use high pressure tactics like this to get you to sign at a lower price/royalty than you could have received if you had done a bit of homework. If you are not willing to put in a considerable amount of time learning exactly what and who you are dealing with, then sign the first deal you come across and ignore the industry after that because what you will learn after the fact will only make you mad. You usually only get one chance to sell your mineral rights so you want to get it right the first time.
Sound advice, I am researching as much as possible. Ronald was the man!
Scott from Quaker / Salesville area new to the site and looking for guidance.

I am new to the game and have 120 acres in the quaker/salesville area. Been approached by a independent land man who is under the name of Sun O&G Exploration LLC who held at meeting at the local Amish community hub. Offered right upfront 2,450 acre and 17% royalty. First meeting I have been to. Anyone had any experience with this guy Don Casto who appears to be a totally independent broker?







where was the meeting in Amish area. Would like more info on this.


Amish mans name is Leroy and it was at his barn just outside of Salesville on 6/30
The details of the lease and addendum sheet are far more important than the two figures you presented here. Do you have a copy that could be posted for analysis?


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