I'm new to "gomarcellusshale", as well as new to this business.  We have a 152 acre farm with "Clinton" gas wells which supply our needs.

We've been approached by Fossil Creek Energy Corp (FCEC) for $50/acre, 12.5% Royalty, and $10,000 if a well is drilled.  We are sitting on the Utica Strata.  I've carefully read the lease and am very suspicious of the terms.  We are consulting attorneys.  I don't see any members from Noble County..and some interesting notes from Guernsey which lead me to suspect the FCEC lease.  Can they broker a lease after signing "cheap"?

We have news of ARTEX Oil offering leases in our County, they're out of Marietta.  Any comment on FCEC, ARTEX, and my suspicions would be welcomed!

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Thanks for the info Judy. I got an email announcing the meeting was to be in Morgan Co.  Hope the offering is good!! Hope they come through soon for Noble Co.!
For any of you thinking of leasing, I don't judge you. I have made up my mind to not lease no matter what. I will not be able to sleep knowing that I have damaged the land for future generations, what i hoped my grandchildren would one day enjoy.  If I see that everyone around me decides to lease, I will stand my ground as long as I am able, then when the drillers come and I can't survive there any more I will leave. I will leave with a clear conscious that I did not contribute to the destruction of our land. If you want to see what I saw, watch this video. If you can't watch the entire thing at least hear what the visitors at the end have to say. I have seen it for myself and no amount of money is worth being able to not bath, drink, or even clean with the water that comes out of my tap.  All of these people rely on water delivered to them in big plastic water buffaloes that cost $400 a month in electric bill to keep from freezing up in the winter.  Good luck folks and may God bless you all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5QqidiEEHw  there are other great education pieces on the right of the page. Thanks!
Hi Jake, I was pretty sure that they've improved and that a good lease will provide environmental protections. Unfortunately, many landowners at the start of these ventures suffered through a lot of problems. The experienced gained from this should help us now. Too bad the companies aren't taking better care of these people.

Mark Curry and others:  I understand you're in Buffalo Twp. I got a call today from one of my good friends who is active in getting a group together. She called to say that Shell Oil is signing the following Noble Co twps:  Beaver, Buffalo, Seneca and Wayne-they border Guernsey Co-for plots of minimum 30 acres. The terms are the same as they gave in Guernsey Co, where they are still signing leases at Southeastern Equipment on Rte 40 East, from 8-6:00pm: $5000 bonus/ac and 20% royalties for plots of 30 acres or more. She said the lease should be a good one, since the group leader that negotiated with Shell is a lawyer. Tell any of your neighbors who aren't signed that they can sign with Shell right now at Southeastern Equipment.

Hey all,

If this group is still signing at the same place that they held the main signing, then it is at the Southeastern Equipment "training center" & not at the main Southeastern Equipment building.  I live right down the road from these facilities & I can definitely say that there was a lot of traffic coming & going from there the past couple of weeks.  I was not aware they were still there though.

Hi Jake,

Everyone is allowed to do whatever they want. However, there is a thing called "Force Pooling". If you don't lease, they can drill anyhow and pay royalties only. It's Ohio law. Something to think about.

Mandatory Pooling is allowed by ORC 1509.27 but I think the producer is only allowed to do this five times per year and I believe the permit fee is $5K as opposed to $250 (not that money is an issue with these folks). It does not sound like this will be a regular occurance.

Was told last week that traffic at the "training center" (sorry about not being explicit enough), was slowing down, but my friend said this signing of northern twps of Noble is definitely on. The person who called me was going there to sign up.
Thanks John. I wasn't aware that Ohio had forced polling.  I guess I better put the house on the market.  It's a sad day for us when we are blinded by $$ and have a corrupt system that allows corporations rights to supersede the rights of the citizens.  I heard a good quote the other day from someone in Texas who lives in a contaminated area where they are having some real issues with air quality. Their kids are sick and they can't sell the house so they are going to abandon it for the health of their children.  He said about drilling "once you know, you can not know" and then "we don't have a drilling problem, we have a democracy problem."
How much land do you have and in which twp. are you located Mr Jackson?
Have been warned that Shell is cherry-picking acreage in the 4 twps they are including in Noble Co, so not all acreage in those twps is being taken. Sorry. I've also been told that the lease now being used by Shell is not the one negotiated by the original group that got together with them and brought them into Guernsey Co. Their own lease that they're handing out has some good parts, but others are not landowner friendly and I was advised not to sign it. Another group leader told me they were now negotiating with them because they refused to sign the current lease being handed out by Shell. So, be careful, people. Also, the Ohio Landowners Consultants group (Des Wertheimer ph # 330-328-5594) that has been meeting at Noble County Fairgrounds is searching for a new meeting place. He wants to meet next week (can't this week due to other signings. I previously said mtg this week was probable) and he's trying to line up a location. WILL KEEP YOU POSTED, FRIENDS! It's all hurry up & wait, isn't it? lol

For those in Monroe county there is still time to join our group Eastern Monroe landowners which will be submitting our acreage & mineral rights out for competitve bidding, You will need to contact Lensman & Associates 330-497-8269 ASAP to add your acreage ,

 We are a landowner non profit group & expect a good offer on a good lease in 6o days max and you can quit listening to just hold on were working on a deal! its coming fast! and all the other Rumors & stuff that go along with waiting.

We also have a meeting scheduled for Thursday 11/10 at 7 PM at the Laings community center in Laings on State Route 255


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