Hi - I just thought I would post that the DEP has posted the results on their website for the 1st half of 2013.

I would be curious about what folks think about the results for Tioga County.


Welcome to the PA DEP Oil & Gas Reporting Website

Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act requires unconventional well operators to submit production reports to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) biannually—on Aug. 15 for the period of Jan. 1 through June 30 for the same calendar year and on Feb. 15 for the period of July 1 through Dec. 31 of the previous calendar year. All other oil and gas operators are required to submit production reports on an annual basis on Feb. 15 for the previous calendar year. DEP makes every practical effort to post these reports as soon as possible after they are filed.

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 I think Shell has been been generious to royalty reciepiants up to date,the royalty checks sound higher than you would think with the production that was reported.The word realized in the royalty addendum is scary. 

Scott, do you know anything specific on the Blossburg area wells? Talisman is putting a pad in 2 miles from my house. The word is that they are putting more in, across from the NSTWA.

Coal Creek Ln in Hamilton Twp?

YES Ann.

In mid-June, Talisman got permits for 6 wells at the Frederick site in Hamilton Twp.  Here is the DEP's efacts page.

Talisman has also applied for permits for these pipeline routes:
1) A pipeline from Olson 102 to Frederick Pad 5 (Blossburg/Hamilton) and
2) A pipeline from Frederick 104 to DCNR Pad 5 (Hamilton/Ward)

Thank you Ann! Looks like a lot of activity close to my land, under 2 miles so lets hope they drill on it!


Ann, I was up there this weekend and there is so much activity, How do I find out if I am in a unit? The whole mountain is signed with Talisman.

If you're 2 miles from the pad, then it's unlikely you're in that unit.  To check on Talisman's unit declarations, goto Landex search:

Check the Tioga County box in the left column
In the COMPANY/LAST NAME box, type:     Talisman*
In the BEGIN DATE box, type: 1/1/2013   
Click the SEARCH button

What you're looking for is DECLARATION in the TYPE column, and your Township in the MUNICIPALITY column.  Click on the INSTRUMENT # (in bold type) and you'll get popup window with a (partial) listing of properties in that unit.  
You can also search for yourself ... see the red print under the NAME boxes on the search page.  Usually declarations will also show up in a search for a property owner in the unit, but that's not 100%.

Thanks again Ann, my name is not listed in any of those units so we'll see what happens!



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