Anyone hear terms on the the Dominion Auction?

Looks like from recent filings, Travis Peak is your winner!

They just permitted a well in Westfield township.  And so it begins...........

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As I indicated, the law wouldn't cover drilling the shot holes and planting the explosives.  However, "The seismic survey is one form of geophysical survey ...."  (See Google for this and similar definitions of a seismic study as a form of a survey.  It's more straight-forward than I realized.)

Sure, if a landowner has leased or otherwise tranferred surface rights, then the lessee needs reasonable access.  But say the gasco does some work toward a pad, but decides to drop the lease.  That driveway probably survives the lease.  How to get rid of it if it's not in the landowners name?

A study I'd like to see done is how predictive seismic surverys are of the quantity of gas a well will produce.  Predictive of dry/wet/oil ratio?  How cost effective (in $$ and time) are different levels of seismic?    

Some of it is done for a specific developer interested in the area.  And some is done by seismic companies with the expectation  they'll be able to sell the results to interested developers. 


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