that Shell is considering taking over dominion?


Bill L.

aka bummy

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It wouldn't surprise me..What about Anadarko?

Dominion did sell their Exploration and Production unit a year+ ago, but it was to Consol.


Btw, I recently ran across a violation in eFacts for improper casing of a gas well through a gas storage field/horizon.  Which seems to confirm that (1) it is allowed and (2) it is an additional expense/risk for the operator. 

This IS interesting news Ann about the drilling thru the storage areas. I was not aware of Dominion's sale to Consol of their exploration and production.


So I guess with the increase of fracking length technowledgy Shell could probably drill right under all of the  storage areas that dominion claims.  HUMMM! That leads to a different picture for many of us.


Bill L.

aka Bummy

It's probably more a matter of "when" than "if"the less promising and/or more expensive areas will be drilled.  Someday, when the supply is declining and the price of gas goes up,  the gascos will get around to them.



I would think that the only way that storage are could be drilled would be if it were owned by Shell or whoever is doing the drilling. If anything were to happen during drilling to compromise the storage area it would be game over if the driller only owned the rights to the gas below the storage. If they owned the entire rights it would be much less of an issue and if it were possible to drill it I imagine they would. I'm not even sure if they are really even allowed to take a look with siesmic unless Dominion were to sign of on it. 

I'd like to see dominion just do the transportion end of it. Never mind storing it and locking up mucho acres away from drillers


Bill L.

aka Bummy

Or, one could look at it that storage rights are similar to surface rights ... mineral rights take recidence.


"§ 78.76. Drilling within a gas storage reservoir area. [PA Code]

     (a)  An operator proposing to drill a well within a gas storage reservoir area or a reservoir protective area to produce gas or oil shall forward by certified mail a copy of the well location plat, the drilling, casing and cementing plan and the anticipated date drilling will commence to the gas storage reservoir operator and shall submit proof of notification to the Department with the well permit application.
     (b)  The storage operator may file an objection with the Department to the drilling, casing and cementing plan or the proposed well location within 15 days of receipt of the notification and request a conference in accordance with section 501 of the act (58 P. S. §  601.501)."



A very long time ago, a teacher started a course saying that he didn't expect us to learn everthing about the subject, but he did expect us to be able to find the answers.  Google sure beats a dusty library.  [grin]

Ann, That is exactly why I left school at 16. Oh sure, I did not receive that paper stating that I spent hour and hours sitting in a room immersed in subjects that I had no interest in what so ever.


Better to have shown me how and where to find the information about subjects that really mattered to me! I did not learn how to type or put together ideas that another person could understand until long after I dropped out of the traditional schooling system.  What teenager likes to spend his time looking through old history books and memorizing dates when some obscure person signed a ratty looking paper that no one is honoring anyway?


Well You got me started on it by your posting Ann!   HA! HA! HA!


I hated school with a passion for a number of reasons. Today I am very active on a site geared to the arts, Writing stories, poetry and boosting self image to folks who are depressed to the point of giving up their lease on life sometimes.


Bill L.


It is wonderful to go off beat sometimes! I so enjoyed reading the above post.


We are a home school family..My children have just blossomed since pulling them out of public school..My first three all graduated from S. Tioga, my last two are 17-19 yrs. apart from the first three( yes you all read that correctly). The school systems are in deep trouble, making behavior their all time "number one" targeted "lesson"..It is sad.


I am not bashing PS to those of you who think I am..I made a choice that worked for our family.

Ok... Back to the subject now.


Sometime ago it was suggest that Dominion sucked much more gas from their storage areas then they actually pumped into them in the first place.  Any comments on this bit of information?


Bill L.

aka Bummy

Their TC storage is depleted well storage so there probably was some residual native gas left that wasn't worth the cost of extraction. But if they were to drill on down below the storage field into the Marcellus layer and frack it, they'd have to get a permit.  So, it would be "public knowledge".


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