"This anaylsis shows that no additional leasing involving surface disturbance can occur without significantly altering the ecological integrity and wild character of our state forest system"


There is a downloadable pdf PowerPoint-type presentation showing the development of "State Forest Land in North-Central Pennsylvania". 


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I know there was some gas company people looking at the state game lands near Hills Creek Park last week.
Is that gonna be better for individual landowners? or will lt mean that taxes will have to jump up?

Bill L.
aka bummy
I don't think of any connection between that and our RE taxes. It might be a positive down the road if, with no more DCNR land to lease, the OG companies devoted more resources to developing the private land they've leased. And it could be a posiive for the tourist business if the DCNR excludes some areas from from drilling. But the main reason I posted the comment was because I thought the maps (in the pdf) were interesting.
The deeper I dig into this marcellus shale deposit, the more complicated it becomes. Just the small individual leases are almost overwhelming let alone what the state owned lands are dealing with. There is no question we need our state forest lands. And if they are riddled with heavy machinery all at once, what will be the impact on wildlife? As far as hunting goes, most hunters probably hunt the private lands. Vacationers often like to camp or hike or just explore our wilderness areas like Pine creek gorge. Vacationers would certainly be unhappy trying to deal with huge trucks on the forest roads for the next few years.

Bill L.
aka Bummy


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