I'm looking to do the leasing with a NG company/individual contractors. Any ideas or clues where to start would be great..I'm aware the local newspaper is a good start and perhaps writing gas companies but finding their info has proved a bit challening. I guess I need local info for the companies. We have land that is available that can be used for what I mentioned above in an area that will be loaded with wells in the next 24mo.

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But isn't your land already leased to a gasco?  Unless it's a non-surface lease, how could you guarantee that anyone who leased the surface for storage might not have to move whatever they had there on short notice?  You could try the company that holds the lease.  Since trucks in/out at all hours isn't something some people would want, the company might pay some extra (above the lease bonus) to a willing landowner.

That property is leased to Anadarko..Yes you see that is why I am putting it out there..For things I don't know or need to know..


What would that mean for our house building..Don't they have to ask me first?

I don't know from personal experience, but my impression is that they may ask, but not necessarily do what you prefer.


BTW, if your grandmother has a life estate on the property where you are planning to build, do check with an experienced tax preparer (or tax lawyer) before you build.  While the property will automatically pass to you on her death, there will be a PA inheritance tax due (Schedule G),  And the way it did work (~10 years ago), even if you build the house, it would be taxed too. 



local papers are ok, but why would a major company pick one up?  I mean would you pick up a paper if they bash you every day?  Then you have the local tourist papers.  But these men didn't come here on holiday.


Call a realtor.  Not a part timer. Not a woman with 2 kids who sells homes on the side, but a full time realtor.  We have contacts who move 500,000 per week in realestate. Those are the ones you want.  AND if your contacts has changed locations 5 times in a year (localy) then ask why.  Some ppl don't feel like paying bills.


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